Stanford Center for
Biomedical Ethics

Recent Publications


Eaton, M.L., and Illes, J. (2007) Commercializing cognitive neurotechnology--the ethical terrain. Nat Bioetchnol. 25(4):393-7.

Illes, J., Rosen, A., Greicius, M., Racine, E. (2007) Prospects for prediction: ethics analysis of neuroimaging in Alzheimer's disease. Ann NY Acad Sci. 1097: 278-95.

Dalley J.W., Fryer T.D., Brichard L., Robinson E.S., Theobald D.E., Lääne K., Pena Y., Murphy E.R., Shah Y., Probst K., Abakumova I., Aigbirhio F.I., Richards H.K., Hong Y., Baron J.C., Everitt B.J., Robbins T.W. (2007) Nucleus accumbens D2/3 receptors predict trait impulsivity and cocaine reinforcement. Science. Mar 2;315(5816):1267-70.

Racine, E., Waldman, S., Palmour, N., Risse, D., Illes, J. (2007) "Currents of Hope": Neurostimulation Techniques in U.S. and U.K. Print Media. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. 16: 314-318.

Singh, J., Hallmayer J., Illes, J. (February 2007) Interacting and paradoxical forces in neuroscience and society. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 8: 153-160.

Illes, J., Atlas, S.W. (2007) Risks and benefits of the new medical imaging enterprise. Virtual Mentor. 9:99-103.

Illes, J. (January 2007) Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est (Knowledge is Power). The American Journal of Bioethics. 7(1): 1-2.

Illes, J., Gallo, M., Kirschen, M.P. (2006) An Ethics Perspective on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and Human Neuromodulation. Behav. Neurol. (17): 149-57.

Illes, J., Chin, V. (2007) Our Aversion to the Unfamiliar: A Review of Brain and Culture: Neurobiology, Ideology, and Social Change by Bruce E. Wexler. American Scientist. 95(1): 87-88.

Racine, E., Hayes, K. (2006) The need for a clinical ethics service and its goals in a community healthcare service centre: a survey. J. Med. Ethics. 32:564-566.

Racine, E., Bar-Ilan, O., and Illes, J. (2006) Brain Imaging: A Decade of Coverage in the Print Media. Science Communication. 28(1): 122-143.

Illes, J. and Bird, S. (2006) Neuroethics: A modern context for ethics in neuroscience. Trends in Neuroscience. 29(9): 511-7.

Racine, E. and Illes, J. (2006) Neuroethical Responsibilities. The Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. 33: 269-277.

Illes, J., Kirschen, M.P., Edwards, E., Stanford, L.R., Bandettini, P., Michael, D.B., Ford, P.J., Glover, G.H., Kulynych, J., Macklin, R., Wolf, S.M., and the Working Group on Incidental Findings, Incidental findings in brain imaging research. Science, 311 (5762):783-784.

Illes, J., Blakemore, C., Hansson, M., Hensch, T., Leshner, A., Maestre, G., Magistretti, P., Quirion, R., Strata, P. International perspectives on engaging the public in neuroethics. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 6(12):977-982.

Racine, E. (2005) Multidirectional communication in neuroethics. Canadian Psychiatry Aujourd’hui, 1(5):17.

Illes, J., Raffin, T.A. (2005) No child left... without a brain scan? Towards a pediatric neuroethics. Cerebrum, 7(3):33-46.

Racine, E. (2005) Why and how take into account neuroscience in ethics? Toward an applied and emergentist neurophilosophy. Laval Théologique et Philosophique, 65(1):77-105.

Illes, J., Atlas, S.W., Raffin, T.A. (2005) Imaging neuroethics for imaging neurosciences. Neuroscience Imaging, 1(1):5-17.

Racine, E., Bar-Ilan, O., Illes, J. (2005) fMRI in the public eye. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 6(2):159-64.

Illes, J., Racine, E. (2005) Imaging and imagining:  A neuroethics challenge informed by genetics. American Journal of Bioethics, 5(2):5-18.

Racine, E. (2006) Where are we going with direct-to-consumer advertising of healthcare products? Canadian Psychiatry Aujourd'hui, 1(1):23.

Racine, E., Hayes, K. (2006) The need for a clinical ethics service and its goal in a community healthcare service centre: a survey. Journal of Medical Ethics. 32:564-566.

Racine, E., Bar-Ilan, O., Illes, J. (2006) Brain imaging: a decade of press coverage. Science Communication. 28(1): 122-143.

Racine, E., Gareau, I., Doucet, H., Laudy, D., Jobin, G., Schraedley-Desmond, P. (2006) Hyped biomedical science or uncritical reporting? Press coverage of genomics (1992-2001) in Quebec. Social Science & Medicine. 62(5): 1278-90.

Illes, J., DeVries, R., Cho., M.K., Schraedley-Desmond, P. ELSI priorities for brain imaging. American Journal of Bioethics. 6(2): W24-31.

Kirschen, M.P., Jaworska, A., Illes, J. Subjects' expectations in neuroimaging research. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 23(2): 205-209.

Illes, J. (2006) Viewpoint: On the contents of Pandora's Box of incidental findings in brain imaging research. Nature Clinical Practice Neurology. 2: 60-61.


Edited Volumes

Illes, J. (Ed.) (2006) Neuroethics: defining the issues in theory, practice and policy. Oxford University Press.

Publications Archive from 2004-2000


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