Stanford Center for
Biomedical Ethics

The Vision of Jonathan J. King

Three weeks before his death, Jonathan King defined the key messages he wished to bring to the attention of the medical community through these lectures.

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Past Lectures

2012 Ira Byock, MD, The Ethics and Practice of Loving Care

Chris Feudtner, MD, PhD, MPH, Hope, Emotions, and the Provision of Palliative Care

Pauline Chen, M.D., Doctor and Patient: Lost in Translation

2009 Abraham Verghese, MD, MACP, Fiction is the Great Lie That Tells the Truth

2008 Danielle Ofri, MD, PhD, DLitt (Hon), FACP, Tools of the Trade: Old and New Technologies in Medicine and Singular Intimacies: Using Literature to Bridge the Cultural Gap

2007 Arthur Caplan, PhD, Show No Mercy?  The Ethics of Access to Experimental and Novel Treatments

2006 Harold Freeman, M.D., Poverty, Culture and Social Injustice: Determinants of Health Disparities

2005 Neal Baer, M.D., Doctors as Storytellers

2004 Atul Gawande, M.D., On the Ethics of Erring

2004 Eavan Boland, The Science of Curing and The Art of Healing: A Poet's Experience

2002 Albert R. Jonsen, Ph.D., Care of a Patient with a Brain Tumor: A Model for Humane Treatment

2001 Christine Cassel, M.D., Your Health and Public Health: What Really Matters

2000 Steve Schalchlin, patient/performer, Living in the Bonus Round

1999 Marisa Weiss, M.D., Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Doctor, Doctor, Lend Me Your Ear

1998 Kathleen M. Foley, M.D., Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Transforming the Culture of Death in America

1997 Sherwin B. Nuland, M.D., Yale School of Medicine, Death and the Doctor: The Final Step in the Art of Healing

1996 Mark B. Smith, M.D., MBA, Henry J. Kaiser Foundation, Redefining Professional Ethics in the Era of Managed Care

1995 Jean Johnson-Pawlson, Ph.D., RN-C, FAAN, George Washington University, Listening for Footsteps: When is Health Care About Caring?

1994 Susan M. Wolf, J.D., University of Minnesota, Between Empathy and Detachment: Caregiving at the End of Life

1993 Thomas S. Innui, Sc.M., M.D., Harvard Medical School, Don't Pave the Sacred Paths...Healing in the Age of Biomedicine

1992 Robert S. Lawrence, M.D, The Rockefeller Foundation, Patients and Caregivers: Building Authentic Relationships

1991 Rita Charon, M.D., Columbia University, Let Me Take a Listen to Your Heart: Stories of Illness and Healing

J. King Video Clip: view streaming clip here (requires QuickTime Player) or download the clip here.

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