Stanford Med Writers Forum 2011
Stanford Center for
Biomedical Ethics

Program on Arts, Humanities & Medicine

The Arts, Humanities and Medicine Program at the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics provides a focal point for integrating the arts and humanities into medical education, the medical center community and the practice of medicine at Stanford. Events include the annual spring Medicine and the Muse Symposium and  Music and Medicine: The Art of Listening.
program features and updates


AHMP Steering Committee member Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu Ed.D.’s new book When Half is Whole is published this fall by Stanford University Press

Professor Irving Yalom, a founding member of Pegasus Physician-Writers, and his book The Spinoza Problem are featured in the cover story of Buchkultur, the leading German language book review magazine

See Accomplishments and Publications:

Kendra Peterson’s essay House Call is published in Pulse. She is a member of Pegasus Physician Writers

Monya Baker’s story, On the Edge, which she started in an AHMP Writers Workshop, was published in Nature

See medical student Shahed Alam’s blog on the children of West Bengal and the Map Your World Project

See In the News for a feature article in Stanford News on the Arts, Humanities and Medicine program

and information on:

medical student Brian Anderson wins annual student paper prize from the Society for Medical Anthropology

medical student Katherine Bell Hill, whose blog and career is featured in Bench & Bedside

medical student Kendall Madden wins Honorable Mention in the 2012 William Carlos Williams Poetry Contest sponsored by Northeast Ohio Medical University

Visit the Medicine and the Muse site to view photos of the
April 11, 2012 symposium and past events.

about the program

The Arts, Humanities and Medicine Program promotes creative and scholarly work at the intersections between the arts, humanities and medicine in order to enhance our understanding of the contextual meanings of illness, healthcare, and the human condition.

ways to give gifts

A gift may be made in the form of a check, securities, a bequest, or a complex trust arrangement designed to maximize tax advantages. Checks should be made payable to Stanford University.

For financial donations, the primary contact for the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics is:

Anne Crowe
Assistant Director
[email protected]

upcoming events

Stanford Med Writers Forum
Featuring Readings by:
Pegasus Physicians at Stanford:
Health, Hope and Healing
featuring Irvin D. Yalom, MD (author of The Spinoza Problem)
and Randall Weingarten, MD 
Thursday, January 17, 2013, 5:30p
Auditorium, Cantor Arts Center
Stanford University
Free and open to the public

Looking for the Human: Buddhism and Medicine in Tibet
Professor Janet Gyatso, Harvard University
Thursday, April 11, 2013, 7:00 pm
Levinthal Hall, Humanities Center
Sponsored by Ho Center for Buddhist Studies at Stanford

An Arts, Humanities and Medicine Symposium

Wednesday April 17, 5:30p
LKSC Berg Hall
Stanford School of Medicine
Featured speaker: Sandeep Jauhar, MD
Author, Intern: A Doctor’s Initiation, NYT columnist
Plus: art and presentations by medical students

Visit the Writers' Workshops page for information on upcoming workshops and past events
Writers workshop 2011

Sign up is open for Fall 2012 workshops


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