SCBE members publish often in leading journals, most recently including Science and Nature. SCBE is also home to the editorial office of the American Journal of Bioethics (AJOB).
Megan Allyse and David Magnus (in press) Biopiracy. In (LaFollette, H, Ed) The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Wiley-Blackwell.
Price EL, Bereknyei SB, Kuby A, Levinson W, Braddock CH 3rd. New elements for informed decision making: a qualitative study of older adults' views. Pat Ed Coun, 2011, in press.
Leader A, Daskalakis C, Braddock CH 3rd, Kunkel EJS, Cocroft JR, Bereknyei S, Riggio JM, Capkin M, Myers RE. Measuring Informed Decision Making about Prostate Cancer Screening in Primary Care. Med Dec Making. 2011, in press.
Gaster B, Edwards K, Trinidad SB, Gallagher TH, Braddock CH 3rd. Patient-centered discussions about prostate cancer screening: a real-world approach. Ann Intern Med. 2010;153(10):661-5.
Lesser CS, Lucey CR, Egener B, Braddock CH 3rd, Linas SL, Levinson W. A behavioral and systems view of professionalism. JAMA. 2010;304(24):2732-7.
Moyer CA, Arnold L, Quaintance J, Braddock CH 3rd, Spickard A, Wilson D, Rominski S, Stern DT. What Factors Create a Humanistic Doctor? A Nationwide Survey of Fourth-Year Medical Students. Academic Medicine. 2010; 85 (11): 1800 -1807.
Lie DA, Lee-Rey E, Gomez A, Bereknyei S, Braddock CH 3rd. Does Cultural Competency Training of Health Professionals Improve Patient Outcomes? A Systematic Review and Proposed Algorithm for Future Research. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;26:317-325.
Carter-Pokras O, Bereknyei S, Lie D, Braddock CH 3rd. Surmounting the unique challenge in health disparities education: a multi-institutional qualitative study. J Gen Intern Med 2010:25(Suppl 2):S108-114. 1.
Priest JR, Bereknyei S, Hooper K, Braddock CH 3rd. Relationships of the location and content of rounds to specialy, institution, patient census, and team size. PLoS One 2010;5(6):e11246
Myers RE, Daskalakis C, Kunkel EJ, Cocroft JR, Riggio JM, Capkin M, Braddock CH 3rd. Mediated decision support in prostate cancer screening: a randomized controlled trial of decision counseling. Patient Ed Couns 2010;83:240-24
Bereknyei S, Nevins A, Schilinger E, Garcia RD, Stuart AE, Braddock CH 3rd. Beyond knowledge, toward linguistic competency: an experiential curriculum. J Gen Intern Med 2010:25(Suppl 2):S155-159.
Bereknyei S , Foran S, Johnson K, Scott A, Miller T, Braddock CH 3rd. Stopping Discrimination Before it Starts: The Impact of Civil Rights Laws on Healthcare Disparities - A Medical School Curriculum. MedEdPORTAL; 2009. Available from:
Nekhlyudov L, Braddock CH 3rd. An approach to enhance communication about screening mammography in primary care. J Women’s Health. 2009;18:1403-1412.
Lie D, Bereknyei S, Braddock CH 3rd, Encinas J, Boker JR. Assessing medical students’ skills in working with interpreters during patient encounters: a validation study of the interpreter scale. Acad Med 2009; 84:643-650.
Lie D, Bereknyei S, Kalet A, Braddock CH 3rd. Learning outcomes of a web module for teaching interpreter interaction skills to pre-clerkship students. Fam Med. 2009;41(4):234-235.
Wharam JF, Passche-Orlow MK, Farber NJ, Sinsky C, Rucker L, Rask KJ, Figaro MK, Braddock CH 3rd, Barry MJ, Sulmasy DP. High quality care and ethical pay-for-performance: A Society of General Internal Medicine Policy Analysis. J Gen Intern Med. 2009;24:854-859.
Braddock CH 3rd, The emerging importance and relevance of shared decision making to clinical practice. Med Decis Making,. 2010 Sep-Oct; 30 (5 Suppl): 5S-7S
Tobin, SL, Lee, SSJ, Greely, HT, Ormond, KE, Cho, MK. (2010) Not a loophole: Commercial exploitation of an IRB error. PLoS Genetics 6:12 July.
Cho, MK (2010) Patently unpatentable: Implications of the BRCA court decision on genetic diagnostics. Trends in Biotechnology 28:548-551. doi:10.1016/j.tibtech.2010.08.005.
Meslin, EM & Cho, MK. (2010) Research Ethics Challenges in the Era of Personalized Medicine: Updating Science’s Contract with Society Public Health Genomics 13:378-384.f
Cho, M.K. and M.N. Wolpert. Not yet in sequence: Clinical, technical, ethical questions linger over personal genomics. Modern Healthcare, 2010. November 22, p. 24.
Cho, MK and Relman, D. (2010) Synthetic “life”, ethics, national security and public discourse. Science 329: 38-39.
Ladd, JM, Lappe, MD, McCormick, JB, Boyce, AM, and Cho, MK. (2009) The "How" and "Whys" of Research: Life Scientists' Views of Accountability. Journal of Medical Ethics 35:762-767.
McCormick, JB, Boyce, AM & Cho, MK. (2009) Biomedical scientists’ perceptions of ethical and social implications: is there a role for research ethics consultation? PLoS ONE 4(3): e4659 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004659.
Cho, MK (2009) Translating genomics into the clinic: moving into the post-Mendelian world. Genome Medicine 1:1-2.
Magnus, D, Cho, MK & Cook-Deegan, R. (2009) Direct-to-consumer genetic tests: beyond medical regulation? Genome Medicine 1:17 (doi:10.1186/gm17).
Ladd, JM, Lappe, MD, McCormick, JB, Boyce, AM, and Cho, MK. (2009) The "How" and "Whys" of Research: Life Scientists' Views of Accountability. Journal of Medical Ethics 35:762-767.
Cho, MK (2009) Translating genomics into the clinic: moving into the post-Mendelian world. Genome Medicine 1:1-2.
McCormick, JB, Boyce, AM & Cho, MK. (2009) Biomedical scientists’ perceptions of ethical and social implications: is there a role for research ethics consultation? PLoS ONE 4(3): e4659 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004659.
Monahan, K, Cho, MK & Sankar, P. (in press) Race and ethnicity in genetics research publications: Analysis of journal attributes. Journal of Science and Engineering Ethics.
Lauren Sayres & Mildred K. Cho. Cell-free fetal nucleic acid testing: A review of the technology and its applications. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey. (in press)
Lauren Sayres, Megan Allyse, Mary E. Norton, Mildred K. Cho. Cell-free fetal DNA testing: A pilot study of obstetric healthcare provider attitudes towards clinical implementation. Prenatal Testing.
Megan Allyse, Lauren Milner & Mildred K. Cho. The G.I. Genome: Ethical Implications of Genome Sequencing in the Military. Nature Reviews Genetics.
Fanos JH, Gronka S, Wuu J, Stanislaw C, Andersen PM, Benatar M. “Impact of Pre-Symptomatic Genetic Testing for Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.” Genet Med 2011; Apr;13(4):342-8.
Fanos J, Wiener L, Brennan T. “Potential Impact of Genetic Information on Childhood Sibling Relationships.” In: KP Tercyak, Handbook of Genomics and the Family. Issues in Clinical Child Psychology, 2010, Part 2, 141-161. Springer Publishing.
Fanos JH, Little GA, Edwards WH. “Candles in the Snow: Ritual and Memory for Siblings of Infants who Died in the Intensive Care Nursery.” Journal of Pediatrics. 2009; 154(6): 849-53
Henry T. Greely, Of Nails and Hammers: Human Biological Enhancement and American Policy Tools, in ENHANCING HUMAN CAPACITIES (ed. Ruud ter Meulen, Julian Savulescu, Guy Kahane, Wiley Blackwell, April 2011).
Henry T. Greely, Reading Minds with Neuroscience - Possibilities for Law, CORTEX (2011), doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2011.04.018 (available on line since May 15, 2011)
Henry T. Greely, Get Ready for the Flood of Fetal Gene Screening, NATURE, 469:289-291 (Jan. 2011)
Felix W. Frueh, Henry T. Greely, Robert C. Green, Stuart Hogarth and Sue Siegel, The Future of Direct-to-Consumer Clinical Genetic Tests, NAT. REV. GEN. (published on-line, June 1, 2011) doi:10.1038/nrg3026.
Hank Greely, Law and the Biosciences, THE STANFORD LAWYER (84) (Spring 2011)
Henry T. Greely, Time to Raise Some Hell, GENE WATCH 24(1):4-5 (Feb.-Mar. 2011)
Panel on Collecting, Storing, Accessing, and Protecting Biological Specimens and Biodata in Social Surveys, CONDUCTING BIOSOCIAL SURVEYS: COLLECTING, STORING, ACCESSING AND PROTECTING BIOSPECIMENS AND BIODATA (eds. Robert M. Hauser, Maxine Weinstein, Robert Pool, and Barney Cohen; National Academies Press, Washington, D.C. 2010)
Hank Greely, To Tell the Truth, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN (Dec. 2010)
Henry T. Greely, To the Barricades! (editorial), AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS, 10(9):1-2 (Sept. 2010)
Henry T. Greely, Neuroethics - Where Do We Go From Here? (editorial), AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS: NEUROSCIENCE, 1(3):1-2 (2010)
Henry T. Greely and Jaime S. King, The Coming Revolution in Prenatal Genetic Testing, PROFESSIONAL ETHICS REPORT, 23(2):1-3 (Spring 2010).
Henry T. Greely, Enhancing Brains: What Are We Worried About? Cerebrum (July 2010), at
Henry T. Greely and Mark M. Hernandez, Technology Law: What Is It? - And What Should It Be (Foreword), JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY LAW AND POLICY 15:1-8 (2010)
Jesse Rissman, Henry T. Greely, and Anthony D. Wagner, Detecting Individual Memories Through the Neural Decoding of Memory States and Past Experience, PROC. NAT'L ACAD. SCI., 107:9849-9854 (May 2010)
Kelly E Ormond, Matthew T Wheeler, Louanne Hudgins, Teri E Klein, Atul J Butte, Russ B Altman, Euan A Ashley, Henry T Greely, Challenges in the Clinical Application of Whole-Genome Sequencing, THE LANCET, 375:1749-51 (May 15, 2010)
Euan A Ashley, Atul J Butte, Matthew T Wheeler, Rong Chen, Teri E Klein, Frederick E Dewey, Joel T Dudley, Kelly E Ormond, Aleksandra Pavlovic, Alexander A Morgan, Dmitry Pushkarev, Norma F Neff, Louanne Hudgins, Li Gong, Laura M Hodges, Dorit S Berlin, Caroline F Thorn, Katrin Sangkuhl, Joan M Hebert, Mark Woon, Hersh Sagreiya, Ryan Whaley, Joshua W Knowles, Michael F Chou, Joseph V Thakuria, Abraham M Rosenbaum, Alexander Wait Zaranek, George M Church, Henry T Greely, Stephen R Quake, Russ B Altman; Clinical Assessment Incorporating a Personal Genome, THE LANCET, 375:1525-1535 (May 1, 2010)
Henry T. Greely, Collecting Biomeasures in the PSID: Ethical and Legal Concerns, BIODEMOGRAPHY AND SOCIAL BIOLOGY 55(2):270- 288 (2009)
Henry T. Greely, Law and the Revolution in Neuroscience: An Early Look at the Field, AKRON L. REV. 42:687-715 (2009)
Henry T. Greely, How Should We Deal with the Arrival of Very Common Prenatal Testing for a Broad Set of Genetic Characteristics? in WHAT ELSI IS NEW? 6-2 (ed. Daniel Vorhaus 2009), originally published in GENOMICS LAW REPORT, November 17, 2009
Henry T. Greely, How Will We Handle the Rapidly Approaching Flood of Genomic Information on Individual Patients and Consumers? ? in WHAT ELSI IS NEW? 3-5 (ed. Daniel Vorhaus 2009), originally published in GENOMICS LAW REPORT,October 5, 2009
P Duggan, AW Siegel, DM Blass, H Bok, JT Coyle, R Faden, J Finkel, JD Gearhart, HT Greely, A Hillis, A Hoke, R Johnson, M Johnston, J Kahn, D Kerr, P King, J Kurtzberg, SM Liao, JW McDobnald, G McKhann, KB Nelson, M Rao, A Regenberg,, K Smith, D Solter, H Song, J Sugarman, RJ Taystman, Avescovi, W Young, DJH Mathews; Unintended Changes in Cognition, Mood, and Behavior Arising from Cell-Based Interventions for Neurological Conditions: Ethical Challenges, AJOB: NEUROSCIENCE 9(5):31-36 (May 2009)
Karkazis, K. and W. Rossi. “Children with Disorders of Sex Development: An Updated Approach to Optimize Care,” Pediatrics in Review. 2010; 31(11):e82-85.
Karkazis, K., Tamar-Mattis, A., and A. Kon. “Genital Surgery for Disorders of Sex Development: Implementing A Shared Decision-Making, Approach” Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2010; 23(8): 789-806.
Karkazis, K. “Looking at and talking about genitalia: understanding where patients get their ideas about what's normal and what isn't,” Medical Humanities. 2010; 36(2):68-69.
Grunwell, J., Illes, J., and K. Karkazis. “Advancing Neuroregenerative Medicine: A Call for Expanded Collaboration between Scientists and Ethicists,” Neuroethics. 2009; 2(1): 13-20.
Sbicca JA, Gorell ES, Kanzler MH, Lane AT. The integrity of the dermatology National Resident Matching Program: results of a national study. J Am Acad Dermatol. Oct 2010;63(4):594-601.
Magnus, D. “The History of The American Journal of Bioethics.” Am J Bioeth. 2010 Oct;10(10):3.
Magnus, D. “Bioethics and President Obama.” Am J Bioeth. 2010 May;10(5):1-2.
Braddock, C., Magnus, D., “Empirical Methods in Bioethics: A Cautionary Tale” Annals of Internal Medicine. March 16, 2010 Vol.152 No 6 396-397
Magnus, D., “Organizational Needs Versus Ethics Committee Practice” Am J Bioeth. 2009 9(4): 1-2
Ormond, K., Hudgins, L., Ladd, J., Magnus, D., Greely, H., Cho, M. “Medical and graduate students’ attitudes toward personal genomics.” Genet Med. 2011
Havard, M., Magnus, D. “Sexless Reproduction: A status symbol.” Am J Bioeth. 2011;11(3):1
Havard M, Magnus D. Beyond the IRB: Local Versus Global Oversight. Am J Bioeth 2011; 11:1
Magnus, D. “Translating Stem Cell Research: Challenges at the Research Frontier.” J Law Med Ethics. 2010 Summer;38(2):267-76.
Pretz J, Magnus, D., Spain DA. "Emergency Innovation: Implications for the Trauma Surgeon." The Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection, and Critical Care. Volume 67, Number 6, December 2009.
Murphy-Shigematsu, S. and Grainger-Monsen, M. The Impact of Film in Teaching Cultural Medicine. Family Medicine, March 2010.
Maren Grainger-Monsen and Nicole Newnham produced a short film based on The Revolutionary Optimists for the TEDxChange event in Sept 2010 which screened at 82 live events in 40 countries around the world.
Owen-Smith J, Scott CT, McCormick JB. (2011) Expand and Regularize Federal Funding for Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Research. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. (In press)
Scott CT, McCormick J, DeRouen MC, Owen-Smith J. (2011) Democracy Derived? New trajectories in human pluripotent stem cell research. Cell 2011; 145(6): 820-826.
Kalista T, Freeman AH, Rejio-Pera R, Behr B, Scott CT. (2011) Donation of human embryos for Human Development and Stem Cell Research. Cell Stem Cell 2011; 8:362-364.
Simon B and Scott CT. (2011) Unsettled expectations: How recent patent decisions affect biotechnology. Nature Biotechnology 29(3):299-230.
Scott CT, McCormick, JB, DeRouen MC, Owen-Smith, J. (2010) Federal Policy and the use of Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Nature Methods. 7(11):866-7.
Scott CT, DeRouen MC, Crawley LC. (2010) The Language of Hope: Therapeutic Intent in Stem Cell Clinical Trials. American Journal of Bioethics Primary Research. 1 (3): 4-11.
Simon BM, Murdoch CE, Scott CT. (2010) Pluripotent patents make prime time: an analysis of the emerging landscape. Nature Biotechnology. 28 (6): 557-9.
Murdoch CE, Scott CT. (2010) Response to open peer commentaries on "Stem cell tourism and the power of hope". American Journal of Bioethics. 10 (5): W1-3.
Murdoch CE, Scott CT. (2010) Stem cell tourism and the power of hope. American Journal of Bioethics. 10 (5): 16-23.
Caulflield T, Scott CT, Hyun I, Lovell-Badge R et al. (2010) Stem Cell Research Policy and iPS Cells. Nature Methods 7(1):28-33.
Zarzeczny A, Scott CT, Hyun I et al. (2009) iPS Cells: Mapping the Policy Issues. Cell 139, December 11;1032-1037
Taymor, K and Scott CT. (2009) The Practical Consequences of a Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports DOI 10.1007/s12015-009-9091-z.
Scott CT, Owen-Smith J and McCormick J (2009) And Then There Were Two: Use of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines. Nature Biotechnology (27)8:697-698.
Skene L, Testa G, Hyun I, Jung KW, McNab A, Robertson J, Scott CT, Solbakk, JH, Taylor P, Zoloth L (2009) Ethics Report on Interspecies Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Research. Cell Stem Cell 5, 27–30.
McCormick J, Owen-Smith J., and Scott CT. (2009) Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Who, where and when. Cell Stem Cell 4(2):107-110.
Creasey G and Scott CT. (2009) Stem Cell Transplants: The power of peer-to-peer. Nature Biotechnology (27) 1:21-22.
McCormick J and Scott CT. (2009) The Stem Cell Century: A new epoch and fresh challenges. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 52(1):126-133.
Scott CT. (2009) Weighing Risks and Rewards en route to the Clinic. Nature Reports Stem Cells DOI: 10.1038/stemcells.2008.158.
Scott CT. (2010) Teetering on the Brink: Reverse the Dickey Wicker Amendment. Nature Biotechnology. 28(11):5.
Scott CT. Never Again. (2010) Nature Biotechnology (28)2:131
Huggett B and Scott CT. (2009) Gilead’s Deal of a Lifetime. Nature Biotechnology 27(5):423.
Scott CT, Owen-Smith J., McCormick JB. (2009) We must reverse the legacy of Bush era stem-cell problems. Nature 33:33.
Shafer A, Bonner L, Reisman AB, Bein SR. Feeding…being fed: Poetry and commentary. Journal of Medical Humanities 30:135-41, 2009
Shafer A. “It blew my mind”: Exploring the difficulties of anesthesia informed consent through narrative. Editorial. Anesthesiology 110:445-6, 2009
Shafer A. Medical Humanities: Demarcations, Dilemmas and Delights. Commentary BMJ-Medical Humanities 35:3-4, 2009
Gardner C, Golestaneh L, Dhillon B, Shafer A. People say there are no accidents: Poetry and Commentary. Journal of Medical Humanities 31:257-63, 2010
Reisman J, Nigliazzo S, Buckley S, Childers R, Shafer A. For There is Work to be Done: Poetry and Commentary. Journal of Medical Humanities (in press)
Shafer R, Shafer A. Deborah Butterfield’s Horses: Commentary. Academic Medicine (Medicine and the Arts) (in press)
Seiden SC and Shafer A. Clinical ethics in anesthesiology: A case-based textbook. Edited by Gail A. Van Norman Co-editors: Jackson S, Rosenbaum SH, and Palmer SK. Anesthesia and Analgesia (in press, book review)
Shafer A. Carol Cassella’s The Healer. Book Review CSA Bulletin (in press)
Shafer A. Emergence. Anesthesiology 114(5):1236-7, 2011 (poem)
Shafer A. A Foot. Anesthesiology 115(1):205-6 (poem)
Shafer A. Operating Room Suite. Anesthesiology 115(1):207-8 (poem)
Tobin SL, Cho MK, Lee SSJ, Magnus DC, Allyse M, Ormond KE, Garrison N (submitted 2011). Customers or research participants? The Belmont Report offers guidance (invited PLoS Medicine).
Books and Book Chapters
Henry T. Greely, Mindreading, Neuroscience, and the Law, in A PRIMER ON LAW AND NEUROSCIENCE (Stephen Morse and Adina Roskies, eds., Oxford Univ. Press, forthcoming 2011)
Henry T. Greely and Anthony D. Wagner, Reference Guide on Neuroscience, in REFERENCE MANUAL ON SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE (3rd ed., National Academies Press/Federal Judicial Center, forthcoming 2011)
Henry T. Greely, Human/Nonhuman Chimeras: Assessing the Issues, in OXFORD HANDBOOK OF ANIMAL ETHICS (ed. Tom Beauchamp and R.G. Frey, Oxford Univ. Press, forthcoming 2011)
Henry T. Greely, Neuroscience and Criminal Responsibility: Proving "Can't Help Himself" as a Narrow Bar to Criminal Liability in LAW AND NEUROSCIENCE, CURRENT LEGAL ISSUES 2010, VOL. 13 (ed. Michael Freeman, Oxford University Press, 2011)
Emily R. Murphy and Henry T. Greely, What Will Be the Limits of Neuroscience-Based Mindreading in the Law? in THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF NEUROETHICS (ed. Judy Illes and Barbara Sahakian, Oxford Univ. Press, 2011)
Henry T. Greely, From Nuremberg to the Human Genome: The Rights of Human Research Participants in MEDICINE AFTER THE HOLOCAUST: FROM THE MASTER RACE TO THE HUMAN GENOME AND BEYOND 185-200 (ed. Sheldon Rubenfeld, Palgrave, New York 2010)
Henry T. Greely, Neuroscience-Based Lie Detection: The Need for Regulation, in USING IMAGING TO IDENTIFY DECEIT: SCIENTIFIC AND ETHICAL QUESTIONS 46-55 (2009 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, Mass.)
Henry T. Greely, "Who Knows What Evil Lurks in the Hearts of Men?": Behavioral Genomics, Neuroscience, Criminal Law, and the Search for Hidden Knowledge, in THE IMPACT OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES ON CRIMINAL LAW 161-79 (ed. Nita Farahany, Oxford Univ. Press, 2009)
Magnus, D.: “Ethical and Social Aspects of Transgenic Plants,” in Vardit Ravitsky, Autumn Fiester and Arthur L. Caplan (eds), The Penn Center Guide to Bioethics, Springer Publishing Company, 2009.
"THE PICTURE OF HEALTH: Medial Ethics and the Movies" published by Oxford Press. Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu and Maren Grainger-Monsen wrote the chapter on "cross-cultural issues and medical decision making". Editors: Henri Colt, Silvia Quadrelli, and Lester Friedman. Oxford university press, 2011
CT Scott (2009) The Great Moral Divide. In Technology and the Future, Wadsworth/Nelson Education Press.
Shafer A. Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities. Osler’s Bedside Library: Great Writers Who Inspired a Great Physician, Ed. LaCombe M & Elpern DJ. American College of Physicians Press pp. 169-177, 2010.
Shafer A. The Use of Narrative and Metaphor in Anaesthetic Practice. IN: Handbook of Communication Skills in Anaesthesia and Critical Care Edited by: AM Cyna, MI Andrew, SGM Tan, and AF Smith. Oxford Univ Press 2010
- Shapiro J and Shafer A. “It doesn’t look good”: Teaching end of life care through Carver’s Poetry. Carver Across the Curriculum: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching the Fiction and Poetry of Raymond Carver Ed. Grant PB and Ashley K. Cambridge Scholars Publishing pp 47-62, 2011.