Stanford Center for
Biomedical Ethics

Center for Integration of Research on Genetics and Ethics

CIRGE is one of four interdisciplinary Centers of Excellence in Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) research created by the National Human Genome Research Institute of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, to proactively identify and 
deliberate ethical, legal, and social issues in current and emerging genetic research.

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CIRGE Post-Doc Nanibaa' Garrison and SCBE Director David Magnus published The Instrumental Role of Hospital Ethics Committees in Policy Work in the American Journal of Bioethics!

CIRGE Scholars Taylor A. Goodspeed, Megan Allyse, Lauren C. Sayres, Mary E. Norton, and Mildred K. Cho published Translating cell-free fetal DNA technology: structural lessons from non-invasive RhD blood typing in Trends in Biotechnology!

Former CIRGE Post-Bacc Fellow Jessica Erickson and CIRGE PI Mildred Cho published Interest, rationale, and potential clinical applications of genetic testing for mood disorders: A survey of stakeholders in the Journal of Affective Disorders!

CIRGE post-doc Marsha Michie and scholars from UNC and Duke have published "Am I a control?: Genotype-driven research recruitment and self-understandings of study participants" in Genetics in Medicine!

CIRGE alumna Teneille Brown and her colleagues from the University of Utah published "The Double-Edged Sword: Does Biomechanism Increase or Decrease Judges' Sentencing of Psychopaths?" in Science!

CIRGE scholars Megan Allyse, Lauren Sayres, and Jamie King, Dr. Mary Norton, professor of obstetrics and gynecology, and CIRGE PI Mildred Cho published Cell-free fetal DNA testing for fetal aneuploidy and beyond: Clinical integration challenges in the United States context. in Human Reproduction.

Former CIRGE Post-Baccalaureate fellow Lauren Sayres, CIRGE Post-Doctoral Fellow Megan Allyse. CIRGE PI Midred Cho, and Taylor A. Godspeed published In the Public Interest? in Science Translational Medicine.

CIRGE Post-Doctoral Fellow Nanibaa' Garrison contributed to a genetics resource through the American Indian & Alaska Native Genetics Resource Center. Click here for her section on cases involving tribes and genetics research.

CIRGE PI Mildred Cho and CIRGE Alumnae Jennifer McCormick, Angie Boyce, and Jennifer Ladd published Barriers to Considering Ethical and Societal Implications of Research: Perceptions of Life Scientists in the American Journal of Bioethics Primary Research.

CIRGE Scholars published Customers or Research Participants? Guidance for Research Practices in Commercialization of Personal Genomics in Genetics in Medicine.

CIRGE Scholars, Lauren Sayres and David Magnus, published Duty-Free: The Non-Obligatory Nature of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis in the American Journal of Bioethics.

CIRGE Scholars, Sandra Lee and Simone Vernez, published Assessing the Pedagogical Goals of Self-Testing in Evaluating the Consultation Needs of Different Student Populations in the American Journal of Bioethics.

CIRGE PI, Mildred Cho, co-authored Managing Incidental Findings and Research Results in Genomic Research Involving Biobanks and Archived Data Sets in Genetics in Medicine.

CIRGE PI, Mildred Cho, and Henry Richardson published Secondary Researchers' Duties to Return Incidental Findings and Individual Research Results: a Partial-Entrustment Account in Genetics in Medicine.

CIRGE Events

CIRGE Conferences, Seminars, and Events for the 2012-2013 Academic Year are under way! Please check out Center Activities to learn more information and find out how to participate!

To be notified of upcoming CIRGE and SCBE Events, please join our mailing lists! Please subscribe here to to be notified about upcoming CIRGE events, and please subscribe here to be notified of all upcoming events at SCBE!

Missed Duke Professor Robert Cook-Deegan's 9/28 CIRGE Speaking Event? A recording can be found HERE!

For recordings from the May 2012 Prenatal Genetic Testing Conference co-hosted by CIRGE and the Stanford Center for Law & the Biosciences, please click here.

For more events, please see the SCBE events page.

CIRGE research

Researchers at CIRGE are dedicated to furthering public understanding and awareness of key ethical, legal and social issues in emerging human genetic variation research.

Current projects underway at the Center include a study of the biological and social constructions of autism as a disease, and a study of medical and graduate students' attitudes towards personal genomics.

More projects will be added as investigators continue to identify which concerns are most pressing and relevant to current trends in genetic technologies and research.

For more information, please see Active Areas of Research.

RELATED National & international Events

2012 American Society for Bioethics & Humanities
Annual Meeting
October 18-21, 2012
Washington DC

2012 American Society of Human Genetics
Annual Meeting
November 6-10, 2012
San Francisco

ways to give gifts

A gift may be made in the form of a check, securities, a bequest, or a complex trust arrangement designed to maximize tax advantages. Checks should be made payable to Stanford University.

For financial donations, the primary contact for the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics is:

Anne Crowe
Assistant Director
[email protected]

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