Stanford Center for
Biomedical Ethics

Current Research and Projects

Advanced Neuroimaging: Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (NIH/NINDS).

Mindful Incisions (The Greenwall Foundation).

P50 Center for Integration of Research on Genetics and Ethics (National Human Genome Research Institute).

Ethical Challenges in Regenerative Medicine (CIHR to University of Toronto, Abdallah Daar, P.I., in collaboration with Adrian Ivinson, Harvard University)

Ethnic Differences and the Four V's (Volume, Venue, Views & Values) of Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Marketing.

Public Understanding of Neuroscience and the Terri Schiavo Case (in collaboration with Eric Racine, Ph.D.).

Specialty Training and Physician Decision-making in the Care of Critically Ill Neurologic Patients (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council).

Social and Ethical Challenges of Neurotechnology: A Comparative Press Content Analysis (Social Science and Humanities Research Council).

Completed Programs

The Effects of Direct-to-Consumer Marketing of Health Care Services on Informed Decision Making/Health Policy (Henry Kaiser Foundation).

Neuroethical Challenges in Cognitive Enhancement and Learning (NSF and the New York Academy of Sciences).

Neuroethics: A Library (The Dana Foundation).

Fetal MRI: Patient Expectations, Clinical Experience, and Decision-Making (The Children's Health Initiative).

Ethical Challenges in Neuroimaging (The Greenwall Foundation).

Policy for Neurotechnology Development in Small Business (Human Bionics LLC, under subcontract to DARPA).


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