Stanford Center for
Biomedical Ethics

CLB Fellows


Previous CLB Fellows

C.JCJ picture. Murdoch earned his LLB and BA in Philosophy atthe University of Alberta and then completed his articles of clerkship with the City of Edmonton. His interests include mental health, genomics, commercialization and phenomenology, and at Stanford, CJ will work on ethical and legal issues in stem cell research and behavioral genomics. He will be sponsored by the Health Law Institute of the University of Alberta, the SCBE Program on Stem Cells in Society, the Stanford Center for Law and the Biosciences, and CIRGE.

Emily Murphy, Ph.D., joined the Program in Neuroethics as a postdoctoral fellow. Emily graduated from Harvard University (ABmcl, 2003, Psychology/MBB) and completed her doctoral work in the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Cambridge while on a Gates Cambridge Scholarship (2003-2007). Her research in behavioral neuroscience has focused on the neural and neurochemical basis of impulsivity and behavioral flexibility. Emily received her first exposure to neuroethics in a final year course at Harvard that was jointly given between the psychology department and the law school. Her career interest in neuroethics is particularly in the use of neuroimaging in behavior assessment and prediction, and she will apply her postdoctoral work to policy issues in law, education, and research conduct.


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