Stanford Center for
Biomedical Ethics

Benchside Consultation

For the last 13 years, the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics has played several valuable roles at the Medical School, providing ethics education, coordinating bedside ethics consults and hospital ethics committees, and doing cutting-edge research on ethical problems in our health care system. Not everyone knows, though, that, like the Medical School itself, the Center has a dual focus, working on both clinical medicine and basic biomedical science. The Center has provided ethics "consultations" not just to clinicians, but to basic science and clinical researchers whose projects raise ethical and social concerns.

Bench-side consultations might be conducted for a variety of purposes, including analyzing the impacts of a particular policy on the conduct of bench science, identifying the ethical or social impacts of conducting a particular line of research, or suggesting specific actions to minimize risks and maximize benefits to society of pursuing that line of research.

In addition, SCBE scholars are active in providing advice to policy makers on issues relevant to the conduct of biomedical research and its application, most recently to these state, national, and international bodies:

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