Stanford Center for
Biomedical Ethics

INDE 238/GENE 238
Current Concepts and Dilemmas in Genetic Testing

Spring 2009, Wednesdays 3-5 pm, Beckman Center, room B200

April 1

    1. Development of microarray technologies (Pollack)
    2. The molecular diagnosis of hematolymphoid malignancies (Zehnder)

April 8 

  1. Cytogenetics (Cherry)
  2. Comparative Genome Hybridization (Cherry)

April 15

  1. Heritage testing and ethnicity-based testing (Greely)
  2. Direct-to-consumer genetic testing (Cho)

April 22

  1. Benchtop discoveries in DNA repair and applications to cancer genetics (Chun, Kingham)
  2. Clinical use of genetic tests for cancer risk in clinical practice (Chun, Kingham)

April 29

  1. Maternal Serum Fetal Genetic Testing (Quake, Ormond)
  2. Maternal Serum Fetal Genetic Testing (Quake, Ormond)

May 6

  1. Prenatal screening and diagnosis (Hudgins)
  2. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (Hudgins)

May 13

  1. Ultra-high-throughput sequencing (Butte)
  2. Genomic association studies for the study of addictions (Tobin)

May 20

  1. Stem cell genetics (Scott)
  2. Stem cell genetics (Scott)

May 27

  1. Genetic testing controversies (Enns)

2.   New approaches to newborn screening (Enns)

June 3
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