Stanford Center for
Biomedical Ethics


Program in Arts, Humanities and Medicine Arts, Humanities and Medicine
This program provides a focal point for integrating the arts and humanities into medical education, the medical center community and the practice of medicine at Stanford.   Sample events and programs coordinated by the Program in Arts, Humanities and Medicine include the annual spring Medicine and the Muse Symposium held at Cantor Arts Center and events such as Music and Medicine: The Art of Listening and a writers' symposium.

Program in Bioethics & Film Biomedical Ethics in Film
Launched in 1998, this program specializes in producing innovative films that inspire medical students and the general public to experience and question the ethical dilemmas facing healthcare today. 

CIRGE Center for Integrating Research on Genetics and Ethics (CIRGE)
CIRGE is one of four interdisciplinary Centers of Excellence  in Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) research created by the National Human Genome Institute of the US National Institutes of Health.  With a specific focus in behavioral genetics, this program explores how such considerations relate to individual and group identity and what policies and education are necessary to address those issues.

Program in Neuroethics Neuroethics
The Center is home to a strong research team devoted to neuroethics, and issues specifically at the intersection of medical imaging and biomedical ethics. These include ethical, social and legal challenges presented by advanced neurofunctional imaging capabilities, the emergence of cognitive enhancement neurotechnologies and pharmacology, self-referral to health care and imaging services, and  clinical findings detected incidentally in research.  New initiatives in neurogenetics, neuroscience database sharing, and regenerative medicine are also underway.

Program on Stem Cells in Society Stem Cells in Society
Stanford’s leadership in stem cell research has spurred the formation of a new group, the Program on Stem Cells in Society, which will tackle social, legal and ethical questions associated with stem cell research and medicine.  PSCS activities will go beyond research to include education and public service.

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