Center for Immersive and Simulation-based Learning
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Real Training from Simulated Experiences

The CISL Organization: The Stanford University School of Medicine and its affiliated hospitals are home to world pioneers of techniques, technologies and applications for immersive and simulation-based learning (ISL). Stanford currently has four internationally recognized simulation groups... More »

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What is ISL? “Simulation” is a set of techniques - not a technology per se - to replace or amplify real experiences with planned experiences, often immersive in nature, that evoke or replicate substantial aspects of the real world in a fully interactive fashion. “Immersive” conveys the sense that participants have of being immersed in a task or setting as they would if it were the real world. More »

ISL at Stanford: The Stanford School of Medicine and its affiliated hospitals (collectively termed SUMC) are home to world pioneers of techniques, technologies and applications for immersive and simulation-based learning (ISL). More »

Research: CISL and its components carry out research projects about simulation, it's development and use, and research using simulation as a tool to study performance, human factors, and patient care protocols or procedures. More »

Get Involved: Experience simulation for yourself, attend CISL events, help CISL grow, or learn about job and volunteer opportunities. More »

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SEP 28 (4 seats)
DEC 6 (5 seats)

Stanford Advanced Airway Management and Fiberoptic Course August 4 & 5, 2012

Description: The course materials have been developed based on over a decade's experience and expertise of the Stanford anesthesia difficult airway program. The course will comprehensively cover recent advances in airway management, rational approaches to various difficult airway situations in the OR, ICU, ED, and in adult and pediatric patient populations, and will allow for acquisition or refinement of advanced airway management skills. Click for more info

Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology (MOCA®) Course Offerings - for information please contact Sandi Feaster at: [email protected].



CISL would like to congratulate the following faculty for their recent teaching awards. These faculty are frequent users of the Immersive Learning Center in the LKSC.

The Alwin C Rambar-James B D Mark Award for Excellence in Patient Care
Paul Mohabir, MD - Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine - Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

The Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation Award for Excellence in Preclinical Teaching
Jeffrey Chi, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine

The Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching
Gordon Lee, MD, Assistant Professor, Plastic Surgery

For more awards and updates from the School of Medicine please see



Dr. David Gaba, Associate Dean, Immersive and Simulation-based Learning is quoted in an April 6th WallStreet Journal article by Christopher Weaver titled "All the World Isn't a Stage, by Some Med Classes Are". Read entire article here.

Congratulations to our colleagues Steven Lipman, MD, Kay Daniels, MD, Sheila E. Cohen, MBChB, FRCA, and Brendan Carvalho, MBBCH, FRCA on their recently published paper Labor Room Setting Compared with the Operating Room for Simulated Perimortem Cesarean Delivery: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Their paper was published in the November 2011 issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology.


CISL Faculty Speaking Engagements

David M. Gaba, MD
Associate Dean, ISL

September 30, 2011
Lessons Learned from 25 Years in Simulation
Northwerstern University, Dept. of Anesthesia

October 1, 2011
What Astrophysics and Planetary Science Can Tell us about Strategic Planning of Research on Simulation in Healthcare 8th Annual Simulation Technology in Healthcare Professions Education Conference, Chicago.

Dr. Gaba Interviewed at NPR's Marketplace


NPR's Marketplace aired a piece titled "How Fake Blood and Medical Dummies Could Save Billions." Our very own Dr. Gaba was interviewed for the piece. To hear or read the transcript, click here.

Dr. David Gaba gives Opening Plenary Talk at SESAM,
June 2nd - 4th

Dr. David Gaba, Associate Dean for Immersive & Simulation-based Learning, will be be giving the opening plenary talk "The Future of Research in Simulation: Thinking Strategically" at the annual meeting of the Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (SESAM). The event will take place in Granada, Spain, June 2-4, 2011.

Computerized Virtual Dissection Table at Stanford

Congratulations to our colleagues in Anatomy for their work. Please click here for more information on this transformative work.


Simulation in Medical Education (SiME) Seminar Series

(see calendar)

CISL Activities


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