Dual Degree & Multi-Degree Programs

   MD students in lab coats

Stanford supports a range of opportunities for candidates to pursue more than one advanced degree. MD students may expand their academic aspirations to include a Master's or PhD. Doctoral students may apply to the new MS in Medicine program. Students may venture to other Stanford schools to obtain an MBA, JD, or even to Berkeley to get an MPH.

Our students are known for their creativity and drive, so Stanford has developed a number of programs to help make coordinating busy academic careers a little easier. Below are a few of the more familiar degree combinations and some resources students may find helpful.

Just remember, decisions about second degrees can involve many factors and second degree options must be discussed with both academic and financial aid advisors, as well as with admission officers of the program of interest, to ensure each student can meet academic, admission, and tuition requirements.


Many of our MD students undertake a PhD while they are at Stanford. Popular choices are School of Medicine programs in Bioengineering , Biomedical Informatics, or one of the 13 Biosciences home departments. At the School of Engineering, the Biomechanical Engineering MD/PhD program also makes a special effort to work with MD students.

The Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) provides funding and structure for a select group of incoming MD students to train in biomedical research with a view to attaining the PhD. MSTP students generally apply and are accepted to the MSTP program through the MD admissions process; they arrive at Stanford already on track to obtain both the MD and PhD. Although obtaining both degrees through the MSTP should involve the same amount of work required to obtain the degrees separately, the total time should be shorter for MSTP students. Students plan their training carefully and commit to an intensive period of study, and Stanford's flexible MD curriculum allows students to design (in consultation with the preceptor and other advisors) a plan of study, training, and research that will satisfy the requirements for both degrees.

Sometimes a non-MSTP student decides to add a doctoral program after being accepted to and beginning the MD program. This student may already have an idea of the degree program desired, and may even be familiar with a Primary Investigator (PI) with whom she/he would like to undertake research. In this case, the student may approach the department directly to discuss the possibility of joining the program, any admissions requirements, and funding arrangements. Before committing to the program the student must meet with and coordinate communication between all academic and financial advisors.


MD students interested in combining their medical training with training in business can take advantage of a dual degree MD/MBA program that allows students to obtain both degrees after completion of a 5-year curriculum.  Students must apply to and be admitted by the Stanford Graduate School of Business, at the time of their admission to the medical school or after beginning their MD studies.


A unique collaboration with UC Berkeley allows our MD students to pursue and obtain a Master of Public Health degree while still at the Stanford School of Medicine. This dual degree MD/MPH program is open to students who participate in the Scholarly Concentration in Community Health. Students must apply to and be admitted by the UC Berkeley program; course work is undertaken at the UC Berkeley campus.


The Master of Science in Medicine program provides funding and structure to allow PhD candidates serious exposure to clinical medicine with a view to fostering translational research. Students selected to interview with any of the PhD programs offered at Stanford University will have the opportunity to apply for admission to this program on a competitive basis. The program will include biomedical science course work from the MD program curriculum, translational medicine seminars designed especially for MSM participants, and a brief clinical experience. In practice, the program will extend the total time of training by about one year beyond the usual length of PhD training. The Master of Science in Medicine degree will be conferred with the PhD degree upon each student's successful completion of her or his doctoral program.

MD-MS Degrees

Health Services ResearchThe Master’s Degree program in Health Services Research is a research-oriented program with a concentration on economics and statistics, outcomes research, cost-effectiveness, and technology assessment. The program is designed to complement training in the medical and social sciences and prepare students for research careers in health services or health policy analysis. The program provides specialized training in selected areas of health care policy, research methodology, and the application of these skills to a specific research problem. Course work requirements allow students to design a program of study suited to their individual backgrounds and interests.

The Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Epidemiology is a research oriented program that offers instruction and research opportunities leading to the M.S. degree in Epidemiology - the study of the distribution and determinants of diseases in populations.

Medical Information Sciences
One option for anyone who wishes to either perform research in Biomedical Informatics as clinical faculty at a school of medicine or for those who wish to continue into the health care industry or government. There is high need for trained individuals who understand the practice of medicine and who are able to develop and implement applications in biomedical informatics.

Biomechanical Engineering
The mission of the Department of Bioengineering is to create a fusion of engineering and the life sciences that promotes scientific discovery and the invention of new technologies and therapies through research and education. The department encompasses both the use of biology as a new engineering paradigm and the application of engineering principles to medical problems and biological systems. The discipline embraces biology as a new science base for engineering.

Departmental Dual Degrees

Education:  The Individually designed MA in Education is designed for Stanford doctoral students enrolled outside of the School of Education. Individuals who are not enrolled at the doctoral level at Stanford cannot be considered for this program.

  Stanford's Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources  (E-IPER) gives students a focused science, engineering, and technology background, allowing them to integrate science with law and business to address critical environmental and sustainability issues.  https://e-iper.stanford.edu/admissions.jointms_application.php

Public Policy:
  Stanford University offers two masters programs in public policy.  A Masters in Public Policy (MPP) is a two-year professional degree and the Masters of Arts in Public Policy (MA) is a one-year non-professional degree.

What to do if you’re interested in a dual degree

Contact the Stanford University School of Medicine’s Registrar for the steps you should complete before being approved to enter into a dual degree.


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