Joint & Dual Degrees

Your career goals may bridge academic disciplines and require expertise in multiple areas. Few, if any, universities offer the breadth of excellence across disciplines that Stanford does. Combining studies strengthens your academic experience and boosts your professional expertise.

As an MBA student, you may take courses in any graduate school at Stanford. Some students will pursue a second degree to complement the MBA.

Joint Degrees

The GSB Offers the Following Joint Degrees
Stanford Law School » JD/MBA
School of Education » MA Education/MBA
School of Humanities & Sciences
Public Policy Program
School of Earth Sciences,
Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER)
» MS Environment & Resources/MBA
  • In a joint degree program, a single course may count toward multiple degrees.
  • Your degrees must be conferred simultaneously, upon completion of degree requirements for both programs.
  • Students may not pursue concurrently more than one additional degree, whether joint or dual, while in the Stanford MBA Program.

Dual Degrees

The GSB Offers the Following Dual Degrees
School of Engineering » MS Bioengineering/MBA
School of Medicine » MD/MBA
Other at Stanford University You may apply for an MBA with a dual degree in another field from Stanford.
External Universities Stanford MBA students have pursued degrees at other universities, such as Harvard Kennedy School, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and Princeton Woodrow Wilson School. 
  • In a dual degree, you may apply credit from a course to only one degree.
  • All dual degrees may require more than the two years of study at the Stanford GSB.
  • Typically, you would apply to the other department in your first year in the MBA Program and take classes toward the dual degree in your second year at the GSB.
  • For the MD/MBA, you typically apply to the MBA Program either concurrently with the MD application or in your first, second, or third year of the MD program.
  • Students may not pursue concurrently more than one additional degree, whether joint or dual, while in the Stanford MBA Program.


The Joint JD/MBA Degree Program is designed for students who contemplate a career in law or public service and wish to acquire the skills and background of a general business manager, and for those students who contemplate a career in business management and wish to acquire the skills and capacities of a lawyer.

Joint JD/MBA degree students are offered the opportunity to synthesize the problem-solving techniques of a general manager with those of a lawyer.


  • You must apply and be accepted independently to both the Law School and the Graduate School of Business.
  • In your application to the Stanford MBA Program:
    • Indicate that you are applying to the JD/MBA Joint Degree Program by marking the appropriate box under Application Information.
    • Use Essay 2 to support your rationale for the joint degree.
  • As an alternative, you may apply to the MBA Program while enrolled as a first- or second-year JD student, or you may apply to the JD Program while enrolled as a first-year MBA student.

Degree Requirements

  • The Joint JD/MBA Degree Program requires a combined total of at least 164 units, enabling completion of the program in 11 or 12 quarters (i.e., three academic years plus two quarters, or 4 academic years).
  • You must fulfill the degree requirement for each school and should refer to the academic policies from both SLS and the GSB for the year in which you began the required curriculum for each program.
    • Of the 105 units required for the MBA, you must complete 84 unduplicated units of instruction at the GSB. The remaining 21 units may be applied from non-GSB courses for JD/MBA students. Note that you must complete five quarters of residency, i.e., full-tuition study, at the GSB. Residency at the GSB, as it pertains to the five-quarter graduation requirement, starts accruing when you begin the autumn quarter Management Perspectives.
    • Of the 111 units required for the JD, you must complete 80 unduplicated units of instruction at SLS. The remaining 31 units may be applied from non-SLS courses for JD/MBA students.
  • There are two paths to completing the Joint JD/MBA Degree Program:
    • You may complete your first two years at the Law School, take one year of courses at the Business School, and then courses primarily at the Business School in your final year.
    • You also may complete your first year at the Law School, then take one year of courses at the Business School. During the remaining two academic years, you take a variety of courses at both the Law School and the Business School.
  • Students who complete the JD/MBA in 11 quarters may opt to go on leave during winter quarter of the fourth year to prepare for the Bar Exam, and then return to classes in spring quarter.

» Stanford Law School Joint Degree Programs: Law and Business

MA Education/MBA

The Joint Degree Program MA Education/MBA allows you to pursue simultaneously an MBA at the Graduate School of Business and an MA in Education at the Stanford University School of Education (SUSE).

Students who pursue this program have a wide variety of interests in education (both K-12 and higher education, for-profit education, etc.), including education policy, education management, the application of technology to education, and teaching and learning.


  • In your application to the Stanford MBA Program:
    • Indicate that you are applying to the MA in Education/MBA Joint Degree Program by marking the appropriate box under Application Information.
    • Upload a Personal Statement (maximum of two pages) in the Joint Degree section of your online application.
  • If you are admitted, we will forward your application and your Personal Statement for the MA Education/MBA joint degree program to the School of Education.
  • The School of Education will send you a decision within three weeks of your MBA admission notification.
  • As an alternative, you may apply to the MA in Education/MBA joint program during your first year at the Graduate School of Business.

Degree Requirements

  • You must complete 84 units at the GSB and 35 units at the School of Education.
  • You will spend most of your first year taking MBA courses and take SUSE courses once you start electives. During your second year, you have the flexibility to take a variety of electives at the GSB and SUSE.
  • It is typical to complete the Joint MA Education/MBA Degree Program in two years (six quarters). Depending on your course load, however, you may need an extra quarter to complete the program.

» School of Education Leadership Degree Programs: Joint MA/MBA


The Joint MPP/MBA Degree Program allows you to pursue simultaneously an MBA from the Graduate School of Business and an MPP degree from the Public Policy Program at the School of Humanities and Sciences.

This joint degree may be interesting to you if you wish to pursue a career in public policy or at the intersection of business and government.


  • In your application to the Stanford MBA Program:
    • Indicate your interest in the Joint MPP/MBA Degree Program by marking the appropriate box under Application Information.
    • Use Essay 2 to support your rationale for the joint degree.
  • We will forward your application to the Public Policy Program.
  • If you are admitted to the MBA Program, you will receive your MPP decision at the same time as your MBA admission.
  • As an alternative, you may apply to the Joint MPP/MBA Degree Program during your first year at the Graduate School of Business.
  • If you are not admitted to the MBA Program, it is not possible to enroll solely in the Master's Degree in Public Policy. At this time, you must be accepted or enrolled in another Stanford graduate program to be eligible to apply for a Master's Degree in Public Policy (

Degree Requirements

  • You must complete 84 units at the GSB and 61 units in the Public Policy Program at the School of Humanities and Sciences.
  • You will spend most of your first year taking MBA courses and may take MPP courses once you start electives. MPP electives are taken at the GSB and across the University. During autumn and winter quarters of the third year, you will participate in the MPP's two-quarter practicum course, in which interdisciplinary teams of the MPP cohort analyze and report on real-world policy issues for an outside client.
  • The duration of this joint degree program is 8 to 9 quarters.

» School of Humanities & Sciences, Public Policy Program

MS Environment and Resources/MBA

If you're interested in a career addressing environmental issues either directly or peripherally, you can pursue an MBA from the Graduate School of Business and an MS in Environment and Resources from the Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER) at the School of Earth Sciences.

The Joint MS Environment and Resources/MBA Degree Program offers you the opportunity to gain a background in the science, engineering, and technology that underlie environmental problems and to integrate it with your MBA curriculum to become an influential and innovative environmental leader in your chosen career.


  • In your application to the Stanford MBA Program:
    • Indicate your interest in the MS/MBA joint degree program.
    • Upload a Personal Statement.
  • We will forward your application and your Personal Statement to the Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources
  • If you are admitted to the MBA Program, you will receive your E-IPER decision at the same time as your MBA admission.
  • As an alternative, you may apply to E-IPER in your first year at the Graduate School of Business.

Degree Requirements

  • The Joint MS in Environment and Resources/MBA Degree Program requires a combined total of at least 129 units.
  • You must complete 84 units at the GSB and 45 units of science-related coursework approved by E-IPER from courses taken across the University. In one of your final quarters, you will complete a capstone project that will allow you to demonstrate your ability to integrate your business, science and engineering knowledge.
  • The duration of this joint degree program is 8 to 9 quarters (i.e., two academic years plus two or three quarters).

» School of Earth Sciences, Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER)

MS Bioengineering/MBA

This dual degree allows you to pursue an MBA at the Graduate School of Business and an MS in Bioengineering from the Stanford School of Engineering.


  • Apply to the School of Engineering during the fall quarter of your first year in the MBA Program.

» School of Engineering


The MD/MBA Dual Degree Program allows you to pursue an MBA at the Graduate School of Business and an MD from the Stanford School of Medicine in 5 academic years of residence.


  • You must apply and be accepted independently to both the School of Medicine and the Graduate School of Business.
  • In your application to the Stanford MBA Program:
    • Indicate that you are applying to the MD/MBA Dual Degree Program by marking the appropriate box under Application Information.
    • Use Essay 2 to support your rationale for the dual degree.
  • As an alternative, you may apply to the MBA Program during your first, second, or third year at the School of Medicine.

Degree Requirements

  • To qualify for the MD degree, you must earn 239 quarter units at the School of Medicine, comprising 140 units of pre-clerkship units, 93 units of clinical clerkships, and 6 units of other clinical requirements. More information is available at
  • To qualify for the MBA degree, you must earn 90 quarter units in coursework taken at the Graduate School of Business.
  • To complete this program in five years, you cannot apply courses taken outside the School of Medicine or the Business School for credit toward your MBA.
    • Year 1—School of Medicine
      (pre-clerkship/scholarly concentration)
    • Year 2—School of Medicine
      (pre-clerkship/scholarly concentration)
    • Year 3—School of Medicine
      (core clinical rotations, including surgery and medicine plus selective sub)
    • Year 4—Graduate School of Business
    • Year 5/Fall Quarter—School of Medicine
      (clinics, core, and electives)
    • Year 5/Winter & Spring Quarters—Graduate School of Business

» School of Medicine

Dual Degree Programs with Schools outside of Stanford University

Stanford MBA students also have pursued degrees with other universities. For example, Stanford MBA students have pursued degrees at Harvard Kennedy School, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and Princeton Woodrow Wilson School. The approval process begins after you are admitted, independently, to both programs you wish to pursue.

Please note, you may enroll in either a joint degree among schools at Stanford or a degree from an external university, but not both.

Degree Requirements

  • Of the 105 quarter units required for the MBA, you must earn at least 90 units at the GSB under a GSB course listing. Note that courses you take at Stanford outside of the GSB do not apply toward this requirement. You fulfill the remaining 15 units via coursework taken in your other program. (Stanford awards the MBA degree upon completion of the MBA degree requirements.)
  • You must spend 5 quarters of full-time study at the GSB. The combined degree programs must be completed on one of the following timelines:
    • First Year: Other school
    • Second Year: GSB
    • Third Year: Autumn Semester at the other school, Winter and Spring Quarters at the GSB
      • This option allows you to graduate with the GSB cohort with whom you enrolled.
    • First Year: GSB
    • Second Year: Autumn Semester at the other school, Winter and Spring Quarters at the GSB
    • Third Year: Other school
      • This option allows you to graduate with each cohort with whom you enrolled
    • First Year: GSB
    • Second Year: Other school
    • Third Year: Autumn Semester at the other school, Winter and Spring Quarters at the GSB
      • This option allows you to graduate with the other school cohort with whom you enrolled.

updated 10 October 2012