Alumni Directories

Online Alumni Directories

The GSB alumni office frequently receives inquires about alumni and student use of the Alumni Directories. To clear up any questions you may have, review the usage policy that applies to both students and alumni before accessing any GSB directory.

Attention MBA 1s

The Alumni Relations office will notify you in the fall when you are eligible to register to Alumni Online Services, including your 2014 MBA Class Group, the GSB Alumni Directory, and the Stanford Business School Alumni Association LinkedIn group.

  • Alumni Directory
    Search for classmates and alumni in your area by company, function, or industry. Update your info so classmates and professional contacts can find you. As a GSB alum or student you have the option to search by School (GSB) or all Stanford University Alumni (and students who have registered for access).
    • To Search "All Stanford Alumni" use "Advanced Search" and select the "All Stanford Alumni" blue button above the search button.
  • Black Alumni Directory
    GSB alumni and current students can network professionally and socially within the GSB Black community by joining this Directory. Details
  • Hispanic Alumni Directory
    GSB alumni and current students can network professionally and socially within the GSB Hispanic community by joining this Directory. Details
  • Women's Directory
    GSB alumnae and current female students can build and leverage their networks by joining this Directory. Details

Professional/Social Network - Using the Directories

Unlike other Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., EVERYONE in the alumni directory is APPROACHABLE without needing to make a "friend" connection. Making connections allows you to create and organized your own personal network.

GSB Alumni Only. Alumni Services login required. Throughout the site, you'll see a lock designating Alumni Only content which will require you to log in with your alumni username and password.

find out more

REGISTER FOR ACCESS - Only Available to Alumni and GSB Class of 2013
A username and password is required to access all "alumni-only" content on the site including the Alumni Directories. If you haven't registered yet, Register Now

Customize Your Privacy Settings
In this Stanford-only network you can customize your privacy setting for "who sees what" in your directory profile, friend categories, and messaging. Choose to show your information to only GSB alumni and students, or the greater University community. Review Your Privacy/Preferences