About the GSB Leadership
Dean Garth Saloner
Philip H. Knight Professor and Dean
Saloner’s career is highlighted by a deep passion for entrepreneurship and a commitment to educating students to think and act with a comprehensive economic perspective. His intellectual interests focus on organizational economics, antitrust economics, strategic management, competitive strategy, and entrepreneurship. He has been an innovator in the evolution of management education with the goal of transforming leaders who can change the world.
In 2006, Saloner led the Curriculum Review Committee that restructured the GSB's MBA program, prioritizing a personalized approach to drive leadership transformation. Stanford GSB introduced the new curriculum in 2007, which provides courses at multiple levels and challenges each student according to their background and experience. The curriculum now includes courses in critical analytical thinking, personal leadership, cross-cultural understanding, and innovative thinking courses, alongside requirements for traditional sound management discipline.
Saloner has been a Stanford faculty member since 1990, and is recognized for his ground-breaking research on network effects, which underlie much of the economics of e-commerce and business. He has taught management, strategy, entrepreneurship, and e-commerce, and founded the Center for Electronic Business and Commerce as well as the Summer Institute for Entrepreneurship, a program to teach general management and entrepreneurial skills to graduate students in life sciences, chemistry, and non-business fields.
As dean, he has periodically taught courses on Strategic Leadership, Women's Perspectives on Entrepreneurship, and a Critical Analytical Thinking seminar. Saloner is a two-time recipient (1983, 2008) of the Business School's Distinguished Teaching Award, one of only two professors to twice receive the award. He has authored or co-authored two books including Strategic Management and Creating and Capturing Value: Perspectives and Cases on Electronic Commerce.
In 2001, he took a two-year leave from Stanford to serve as an advisor, board member, or investor with a number of Silicon Valley startups. His experience extends to applying innovation as an engine for growth in developing economies. Most recently, Saloner conceptualized and led the effort to establish the Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies (SEED), which was launched in November 2011. The Institute seeks to stimulate, develop, and disseminate research and innovations that enable entrepreneurs, managers, and leaders to alleviate poverty in developing economies.
A native of South Africa, Saloner received a BCom (bachelor of commerce) and MBA (with distinction) from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. He received an MS in statistics, an AM in economics, and a PhD in economics, business, and public policy from Stanford University between 1978 and 1982. He has previously taught at Harvard University and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1982-1990), first as an assistant professor, and later as a tenured full professor in both the economics department and the Sloan School of Management.
Saloner and his family have been active in the Stanford community for more than twenty years. Stanford is now part of the Saloner "DNA", with the family having earned a combined six academic degrees from Stanford — with their seventh and eighth degrees currently in progress.
In addition to spending time with his close-knit family, Saloner is an avid wildlife photographer, a cycling enthusiast, and enjoys international travel.
He is the school's ninth dean.
Academic Associate Deans
Larissa Tiedens
Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Jonathan B. Lovelace Professor of Organizational Behavior
Professor Tiedens' research is primarily in two areas: (1) the psychology of social hierarchies, and (2) the social context of emotion. She is specifically interested in the psychological processes involved in the creation and maintenance of hierarchical relationships. Her work on emotion is concerned with the effects of emotion on social judgment and with relations between social roles and emotions.
- Education: PhD, 1998, MA, 1993, Univ. of Michigan; BA (Hons.), Phi Beta Kappa, 1993, Carleton College.
- Honors and Awards: Ascendant Scholar, Western Academy of Management (2003); PhD Faculty Distinguished Service Award, Stanford University (2002); Paterson Award, Minnesota Psychological Association (1993)
- Experience: At Stanford since 1998.

Peter M. DeMarzo
Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Mizuho Financial Group Professor of Finance
Peter DeMarzo’s research is in the area of corporate finance, asset securitization, and contracting, as well as market structure and regulation. Recent work has examined issues of the optimal design of securities, the regulation of insider trading and broker-dealers, and the influence of information asymmetries on corporate investment.
- Education: BA, Univ. of California, San Diego, 1984; MS, Stanford Univ., 1985, PhD, 1989.
- Honors and Awards: Review of Financial Studies Best Paper Award, Barclays Global Investors/Michael Brennan, 2006; Stanford Sloan Teaching Excellence Award, 2006, 2004; Corporate Finance Award, Western Finance Assn., 2001; Earl F. Cheit Outstanding Teaching Award, 1998.
- Experience: Asst. Prof., Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern Univ., 1989–92, Assoc. Prof., 1992–97; Visiting Assoc. Prof., Stanford Graduate School of Business, 1995–97; Assoc. Prof., Haas School of Business, Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1997–99, Prof., 1999–2000. At Stanford 1995–97, and since 2000.
Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Gregor G. Peterson Professor of Accounting

systems in firms and the rationale behind observed internal accounting practices. Rajan has done analytical, empirical, and field-based work on the role of incentives in supply chain contracting, the use of nonfinancial performance measures, and the value of “cost of quality” accounting systems in modern manufacturing environments. His recent wor
k has focused on the links between economic and accounting profitability, the use of internal auction markets for resource allocation, and the usefulness of subjective measures of performance.
- Education: BCom, University of Madras, India; MS, Graduate School of Industrial Administration at Carnegie Mellon University, 1987; MBA, 1989; PhD, 1990.
- Experience: Lecturer, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 1989-90; Asst. Prof. 1990-96; Assoc. Prof. 1996-2001; At Stanford, 2001.
Associate and Assistant Deans
Gale H. Bitter
Associate Dean of Executive Education
Derrick Bolton
Assistant Dean and Director of MBA Admissions
Rajkumar Chellaraj
Associate Dean for Administration and Finance
David Kennedy
Acting Associate Dean for External Relations
Claudia Morgan
Associate Dean for Academic Administration
Ranga Jayaraman
Associate Dean and Chief Information Officer
Pulin Sanghvi
Assistant Dean, Director of Career Management Center
Blair Shane
Associate Dean and Chief Marketing Officer
Priya Singh
Assistant Dean, Global Innovation Programs
Robert Urstein
Assistant Dean for the Doctoral Program