Facts and Figures

Deans of the School

Garth Saloner   2009-
Robert L. Joss   1999-2009
A. Michael Spence   1990-1999
Robert K. Jaedicke   1983-1990
Rene C. McPherson   1980-1982
Robert K. Jaedicke (acting dean)   1979-1980
Arjay Miller   1969-1979
Samuel "Pete" Pond (acting dean)   1968-1969
Ernest C. Arbuckle   1958-1968
Carlton A. Pederson (acting dean)   1956-1958
J. Hugh Jackson   1931-1956
Willard E. Hotchkiss   1926-1930

Faculty Strengths

  • 3 Nobel laureates
  • 4 members of the National Academy of Sciences
  • 17 members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • 2 recipients of the John Bates Clark Medal in Economics

For the 2011-12 academic year the faculty is composed of:

Tenure and Tenure Track 108

Full Professors

Consulting Professors, Senior Lecturers, and Fulltime Lecturers



Active Emeriti 28
Endowed Professorships 58

Academic Programs

MBA Program

Class Profile:
Academic Year
MBA Total Enrollment 803 799 765 739
MBA Class2013201220112010
Applications 6,618 7,204 7,536 6,575
Enrollment 397 389 385 370
Women 34% 39% 34% 36%
Minority 27% 23% 21% 24%
International (includes permanent residents) 38% 37% 33% 34%
Median Years Work Experience 4 4 4 3.9
Undergraduate Majors: MBA Class2013201220112010
Business 19% 19% 17% 19%
Engineering / Math / Natural Sciences 35% 31% 36% 35%
Humanities/Social Science 46% 50% 47% 46%
Placement: Top Industries MBA Class2011201020092008
Management Consulting 27% 29% 32% 27%
Financial Services (includes hedge funds, I-banking, I-management, pvt. equity, and venture capital) 36% 31% 27% 37%
Technology 13% 18% 12% 12%
Median Total Compensation $185,000 $165,000 $166,500 $180,000
Median Base Salary $125,000 $120,000 $120,000 $120,000

PhD Program

Class Profile: Class Entering Fall2011201020092008
Applications 700 650 588 473
Enrollment 30 21 17 25
Women 7 6 33 10
Minority 2 0 2 4
International 11 13 47 10
Total PhDs in residence 108 100 97 104

Stanford Sloan Master's Program

Class Profile: Class Entering Fall2011201020092008
Participants 67 57 57 57
Women 10 8 13 13
International 42 39 38 33

Costs and Financial Aid

MBAs who receive financial aid: 70%

Figures below are for a single MBA student living on campus.

Academic Year2011-122010-112009-102008-09
Tuition & Fees $55,200 $53,118 $51,321 $48,921
Room & Board $22,395 $21,222     $21,111 $19,932
Books & Supplies $2,118 $2,079 $1,941 $1,869
Course Reader Fee $1,710 $1,710 $1,845 $1,845
Medical Insurance $3,384 $3,072 $2,400 $2,268
Transportation $993 $915 $897 $864
Week Zero Expenses $822 $789 $661 $633
Est. Annual Total $87,081 $83,406 $80,677 $76,332

Executive Education

All Programs (FY)20010-112009-102008
Attendance 1,937 2,284 2,683
Number of Programs 44 81 85


Living Alumni by Program 
MBA 17,359
PhD 737
Sloan 1,958
Stanford Executive Program 6,720
Total Living Alumni 26,774
Degrees Awarded since School's Founding 
MBA 19,335
PhD 804
Sloan 2,128
Stanford Executive Program certificates 7,738
Total Degrees Awarded 30,005
NOTE: Although a number of alumni hold multiple GSB degrees, individuals are counted once, according to the degree hierarchy listed above. These figures include degree holders and those who did not graduate but were enrolled in a program for three or more quarters.
Reported Geographic Distribution 
United States 18,476
International 6,096
NOTE: Information based on addresses of living alumni reported in the Alumni Directory as of September 2011.

Financial Resources and Support

Fiscal Year Ending August 312010200920082007
Operating Revenue $156 $155.4M $152M $133.4M
Operating Expenditures $133.1 $137.7M $140.4M $127.1M
Endowment Market Value $825 $755M $1,008M $1,005.1M
MBA Participation   41% 41% 44%