Frequently Asked Questions

When was the school founded? 1925

Is the school accredited? Yes, by the AACSB.

Is the school public or private?  Private

Does the school offer an undergraduate business program? While we do not offer an undergraduate degree in business we do offer the Summer Institute for General Management, a four-week, non-degree business program in the summer for non-business college juniors and seniors and recent graduates.

Does the school offer online courses? No

Does the school offer part-time degree programs? No

Does the school offer evening or summer sessions? We do not offer a degree program with evening or summer sessions. We do offer the Program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, a four-month academic program that combines current Stanford master's, Ph.D., M.D., and post-doc students with Silicon Valley innovators, scientists, and engineers.

Throughout the year, we offer a wide variety of Executive Education programs as well as the Summer Institute for Entrepreneurship (aimed at non-business masters, PhD, or postdoctoral students) and the Summer Institute for General Management (aimed at college juniors and seniors or recent graduates).

Does the school offer joint or dual degree programs? Yes

The GSB offers the following joint degrees:

Stanford Law School


School of Education

MA Education/MBA

School of Humanities & Sciences


School of Earth Sciences,
Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER)

MS Environment & Resources/MBA

  • In a joint degree program, a single course may count toward multiple degrees.
  • Your degrees must be conferred simultaneously, upon completion of degree requirements for both programs.

The GSB offers the following dual degrees:

School of Engineering

MS Bioengineering/MBA

School of Medicine



You may apply for an MBA with a dual degree in another field from Stanford or another university.

  • In a dual degree, you may apply credit from a course to only one degree.
  • All dual degrees may require more than the two years of study at the Stanford GSB.
  • Typically, students apply to the other department in your first year in the MBA Program and take classes toward the dual degree in your second year at the GSB.
  • For the MD/MBA, you typically apply to the MBA Program either concurrently with the MD application or in your third or fourth year of the MD program.

Are there other academic program options? As part of the MBA and Sloan Programs, students can earn a certificate from the Public Management Program by completing certain course requirements.

Does the school offer courses in locations besides the main campus? Yes, some of our executive programs are taught in off-campus locations.