More Collaboration
Great ideas come from crossing traditional boundaries to anticipate the future. Our culture encourages collaboration and produces ideas and solutions that flourish in today's fast changing world.
New research and ideas are critical to the creation of new courses and to affecting the broader world. Our small size means that collaborations among faculty from different disciplines happen frequently and naturally. As an example, current research projects involve business school faculty from operations, economics, and organizational behavior working with colleagues from the schools of medicine and engineering.
Business school faculty play an important role in Stanford University’s Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (EIPR), an interdisciplinary program that trains the next generation of leaders to address the world's most challenging environmental and sustainability problems. In 2010 six graduates earned EIPR masters’ degrees in addition to their MBA degrees.
Innovative courses such as Design for Extreme Affordability and Biodesign Innovation (PDF) attract graduate students from across campus who forms teams with MBAs to solve problems.
The size of our student body means that students in all our academic programs have ample opportunities to build working relationships, as well as friendships, with peers from vastly different backgrounds and with different interests.