Alumni Directory and GSB Usage Policy

If you are new to using the directory, or any alumni password protected services, please read before logging in.

The GSB alumni office frequently receives inquires about alumni and student use of the alumni directories. To clear up any questions you may have, here is the usage policy that applies to both students and alumni.

For a more comprehensive legal explanation of our usage policies read the Stanford University Terms of Service and the GSB Terms of Use.

  • Our alumni information is highly confidential, for GSB alumni and student use only.
  • This information and your username and password shouldn't be passed on to anyone (including SOs).
  • The directory can be used to send emails or mailings that directly service our students and alumni, but not their family or friends.
  • When contacting alumni include your name, program, and class year and clearly state your purpose. Make sure your message is personal and targeted to the alum you are contacting.
  • Emails sent to alumni shouldn't promote personal business, or special interests (fundraising, political, non-profits, etc.) because alumni view such correspondence as Spam.
  • Emails cannot contain content that defames or threatens others or statements that are bigoted, hateful or racially offensive.

These simple guidelines were established in the spirit of keeping the Alumni Directory and online services complete, useful and effective. Our alumni are very quick to let us know when they feel others are misusing their personal information or sending Spam. Therefore, we ask all students and alumni to abide by the above policies (Refer to Actions on Complaints). If you have any specific questions that are not answered above, please drop by my office, call, or email me anytime.

Barbara Daines
Senior Associate Director of Alumni Online Services
Stanford Business School Alumni Association
[email protected]

Actions on Misuse of Stanford Directories and Sites

We reserve the right to investigate suspected violations of the policies listed above. If we become aware of possible violations, we may initiate an investigation that may include gathering information from you or any user involved and the complaining party, if any, and examination of other material.

We may suspend the provision of our Services, temporarily or permanently remove the material involved from our servers, cancel posts, provide warnings to you, or suspend or terminate your access to the site. We will determine what action will be taken in response to a violation on a case-by-case basis, at our sole discretion. We will fully cooperate with law enforcement authorities in investigating suspected lawbreakers. Copyright violations should be reported to: [email protected].

Note to Students - Stanford students using Stanford sites are expected to abide by the Fundamental Standard which has set the standard of conduct for students since 1986 and which provides: "Students at Stanford are expected to show both within and outside the University such respect for order, morality, personal honor and the rights of others as is demanded of good citizens. Failure to do this will be sufficient cause for removal from the University."