GSB Women's Directory

Whether you are looking to reconnect with a classmate, find answers to industry questions, or have articles to share, the Alumni Directory is a good place to start. The online GSB's Women's Directory is password protected and only to GSB alumnae and female students.

Choose the link below that best describes you:

About the Alumnae Directory

  • The Stanford Business School Alumni Association has pre-populated the Directory with all alumnae and current female GSB students. Female admits will be notified about access after they are added into the Directory in the fall of their admit year.
  • If at anytime you wish to remove your name from this directory, please email Barbara Daines, in the alumni relations office, your name, program, and class year with "Women's Directory" in the subject line. You may also control how your information displays in this Directory under "My Profile/Privacy."
  • Student use of the directory is a privilege. All students are required to review its usage policy on the GSB alumni website before using this networking tool. To access to the Women's Directory log into the directory, the same way you access the All GSB Alumni Directory.