Programs and Services for Students and Trainees
Educational Programs and Services (EPS) is home to departments and programs that are central to the educational mission of the School of Medicine. We serve all populations of students and trainees who participate in the School's programs: Stanford MD, MS, and PhD students; visiting MD students seeking clinical clerkships; postdoctoral scholars and medical fellows; and medical practitioners seeking further professional enrichment. Our goal is to provide a Stanford School of Medicine experience worthy of our students' and trainees' talents, aspirations, and dedication.
EPS receives essential direction from the School's Senior Associate Deans for Medical Student Education, Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs, Graduate Medical Education, and Finance and Administration. The Associate Dean for Educational Programs and Services reports to these four Senior Associate Deans. The Associate Dean and the Finance, Administration, and Operations team provide central guidance and support to all EPS departments, programs, and staff.