Stanford University
Center for Innovation in
Global Health  
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Dr. Kristina Krohn,
the 2012-2013 Stanford-NBC Fellow
in Media and Global Health
at the WHO, New Delhi

Access and Delivery
of Essential Medicines

Jennifer Dent, Vice President, Commercialization
and Alliance Management, Bio Ventures & Roopa
Ramamoorthi, Manager of Scientific Affairs,
Bio Ventures discuss Bio Ventures for
Global Health to the class on
September 24, 2012.

Jay Nathan

1st Year Medical Student
in Pampanga, Philippines

Stanford-NBC News Fellowship
in Media and Global Health

Joyce Ho, Inaugural Fellow
2011-2012 with Michele Barry, MD at the
Kaiser Family Foundation Orientation, DC

Johnson and Johnson
Global Health
Scholars Program

Gina Suh, MD in Bangladesh
as a Johnson & Johnson
Global Health
Scholar 2010-2011

Johnson & Johnson Global Health Scholars Program

Andy Copland, MD and Tomas Davee, MD in Uganda as Johnson & Johnson Global Health Scholars 2010-2011

Mary Duke Biddle
Clinical Scholars

Jori Bogetz, MD in Bangladesh as a Mary Duke Biddle Clinical Scholar 2010-2011

Clinical Services

Paul Drain, MD, MPH visiting an orphanage
in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Building Capacity
through Teaching

Tom Nguyen, MD in Eritrea as
Johnson & Johnson Global Health
Scholar 2009-2010

Global Research

Brian Blackburn, MD in Central
Nigeria Nighttime Testing for
Malaria and Filariasis

From the CIGH Director
Photo of Michele Barry, MD, FACP
Dr. Michele Barry

Dear Global Health Colleagues,

It is a pleasure to update you with a fall quarterly Center for Innovation in Global Health (CIGH) newsletter.

First, I want to welcome and introduce you to Steve Luby, the new Research Director for CIGH who arrived September first.  Steve was recruited from the International Center for Diarrheal Diseases and Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b) where he served as...

... Read the Rest of the Fall Newsletter»

Learn More about...
Global Health on YouTube video
highlighted Event

Canadian Conference on Global Health - "Global Health in the Shifting World Economy"

Held on October 21-23, 2012 in Ottawa, Canada, the Canadian Conference on Global Health will feature two experts in Economics and Global health: Saskia Sassen, Professor of Sociology at Columbia University, and Centennial Visiting Professor, London School of Economics, and Dean Jamison,Professor of Health Economics in the School of Medicine at the University of California, and an affiliate of UCSF Global Health Sciences.

Sessions at the event include: International Financial Institutions' Business Opportunities in Global Health, Disability, Inclusion and Rehabilitation: A Showcase of Canada's Global Responses, New Paradigms for Partnership in Development in the Shifting World Economy From Declaration to Multi-Stakeholder Action, and Saving Lives and Improving Health Through Partnership and Innovation.

To see the full online program, click here.

October 9th - When an entire Country is a Cohort:
The Unique Registry and Biobank Based Research in Denmark


From 10:30am to 12pm in LKS, Room 304/305 listen to a presentation by Mads Melbye (MD, DMSc), Director of the Division of National Health Surveillance and Research and the Danish National Biobank at Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen. Dr. Melbye will provide an overview of the biobank and national registries and suggest possible scenarios for collaboration with researchers.



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