More Information
- Essential Resources for Quantitative PCR
- How can I download research papers programmatically?
- How can I find information about patents?
- Molecular biology software from the Broad Institute
- Video: Understanding Pharmacogenomics (Stanford course BIOMEDIN 204)
- What is the easiest way to find transcription start site data?
- What is the fastest way to learn SQL?
- What is the Online Bioinformatics Resources Collection?
- Where can I find good summaries of bioinformatics, genomics and proteomics topics?
- Where can I find help with designing a microarray experiment?
- Where can I find market data for health care, including research topics?
- Where can I find Perl resources to get me started programming in Perl?
- What is CMGM?
- What is Eureka?
- What is the BIOBASE Knowledge Library (formerly PROTEOME) database?
- What is the MMDB database?
- What is the TRANSFAC database?
About the Portal
To suggest additions and changes to this portal or if you have questions, please contact
Arpi Siyahian, 650-723-1233 or .
Bioresearch Resources at Lane brochure
- Anesthesia
- Biomedical Ethics
- Bioresearch
- Cardiology
- Clinical
- Consumer Health
- Emergency Medicine
- Global Health
- Hematology
- Internal Medicine
- LPCH Heart Center Nursing
- Medical Education
- Multicultural Health
- Neurology
- Nursing
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Oncology
- Ophthalmology
- Otolaryngology
- Pathology
- Pediatrics
- Pharmacy
- Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- Psychiatry
- Pulmonary
- Reference Desk
- Special Programs
- Spiritual Care
- Student (IL)
Key Resources
Need Help?
- Video available
- $: Must Purchase
- CMGM membership required
- SL: Licensed by Stanford
- SD: Stanford Developed
- No symbols — public domain