Academic Affairs  
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Mission Statement
David Stevenson

The Office of Academic Affairs supports and assists the faculty of the School of Medicine in their clinical, teaching, research, and administrative roles. We act as a resource to facilitate the recruitment, appointment, retention, and promotion of faculty members across all departments, institutes, and faculty lines. OAA sponsors educational and mentoring programs such as the Faculty A&P Workshops, collects and analyzes data on the makeup of the School faculty, and disseminates faculty-related information via this website, the Faculty Handbook, and the Faculty Affairs Administrators Network (FAAN).

Dr. David Stevenson
Vice Dean and Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

This website provides information for School of Medicine faculty, administrators, people holding other teaching titles at the school, and others. The School of Medicine Faculty Handbook explains lines, ranks, and criteria for appointment, reappointment and promotion in all faculty and other teaching lines.
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As of September 4, the Office of Academic Affairs is located in Alway M-116. Full address on the Contact Us page.

Committee Schedule

Assistant Professors Review Committee
October 19 (full agenda)
November 16 (full agenda)
December 21

Deadlines for final copies: 
October 10
November 7
December 12

Clinician Educator Appointments & Promotions Committee
Oct 19
Nov 16
Dec 21
Submission deadlines

Appointments and Promotions Committee
October 22
November 12
November 26


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