Academic Affairs  

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Medical Faculty Organization

Mission & Background of the School 1.1

History of the School 1.2

School of Medicine Vision for the Twenty-First Century 1.3

Mission of the School of Medicine 1.4

History of the School of Medicine 1.5

School of Medicine Deans 1.6

Medical Faculty Organization 1.7

Administrative Structure of the School of Medicine 1.8

Dean 1.9

Senior Associate Deans 1.10

Associate Deans 1.11

Assistant Deans 1.12

The Medical Center 1.13

Departmental Structure 1.14

Basic Sciences Departments 1.15

Clinical Sciences Departments 1.16

Department Chairs 1.17

Acting Department Chairs 1.18

Associate Chairs of Departments 1.19

Departmental Divisions 1.20

Division Chiefs 1.21

Executive Committee 1.22

School of Medicine Executive Organization 1.23

Faculty 1.24

Academic Council Professoriate 1.25

Medical Center Line 1.26

Staff 1.27

Academic Staff 1.28

University Staff 1.29

Other Teaching Titles 1.30

The Faculty Council of the School of Medicine 1.31

The Senate of the Faculty Council (Faculty Council Senate) 1.32

Articles of Organization for the Senate of the Stanford University School of Medicine Faculty Council 1.33

Chapter 2: The Professoriate

2.1       Definition of the Professoriate

2.2       Definition of the Academic Council

2.3       Medical Center Line (MCL):  Criteria and Guidelines for Appointments, Reappointments and Promotions

2.3.A.      Definition

2.3.B.      Billet and Other Resource Allocations

1.     Billet Authorization
2.     Business Plan
3.     Funding of Protected Time for Scholarship

2.3.C.      Searches and Waivers of Search

2.3.D.      Medical Staff Privileges

2.3.E.      Ranks and Titles

2.3.F.       Duration of Appointments

1.     Term Appointments
2.     Extension of Term Appointments
3.     Continuing Term Appointments
4.     Coterminous Nature of the Appointments

2.3.G.      Progression through the Ranks

1.     Career Trajectory
2.     Timing of the Reappointment Review
3.     Timing of the Promotion Review

2.3.H.      Criteria

1.     Proportionality of Contributions
2.     Excellence in the Overall Mix
3.     Regional and National Recognition
4.     Criteria by Area of Primary Contribution

2.3.I.        Application of the Criteria

1.     Standards of Excellence, Acceptable or Unacceptable Performance
2.     Factors in Applying the Criteria

2.3.J.       Establishing, Monitoring and Applying Proportionality of Contributions

1.     Establishing, Monitoring or Changing the Proportionality of Contributions
2.     Documenting Proportionality of Contributions for the Review Process
3.     Clinical Care Proportionality
4.     Scholarship Proportionality

2.3.K.      Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Assistant Professors

1.     Appointment
2.     Reappointment

2.3.L.      Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Associate Professors

1.     Appointment
2.     Reappointment
3.     Promotion

2.3.M.     Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Professors

1.     Appointment
2.     Reappointment
3.     Promotion

2.4       University Tenure Line (UTL):  Criteria and Guidelines for Appointments, Reappointments and Promotions

2.4.A.      Definition

2.4.B.      Billet Authorization

2.4.C.      Searches and Waivers of Search

2.4.D.      Medical Staff Privileges

2.4.E.      Ranks and Titles

2.4.F.       Duration of Appointments

1.     Term Appointments
2.     Tenure
3.     Tenure by Length of Service
4.     Tenure Clock Calculations

2.4.G.      Progression through the Ranks

1.     Career Trajectory
2.     Timing of the Reappointment Review
3.     Timing of the Promotion Review

2.4.H.      Criteria

1.     Scholarship
2.     Teaching
3.     Clinical Care
4.     Institutional Service

2.4.I.        Application of the Criteria

1.     Scholarship
2.     Teaching
3.     Clinical Care
4.     Respectful Workplace

2.4.J.       Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Assistant Professors

1.     Appointment as Assistant Professor (for a term of years)
2.     Reappointment as Assistant Professor (for a term of years)

2.4.K.      Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Associate Professors

1.     Appointment as Associate Professor (conferring tenure)
2.     Promotion to Associate Professor (conferring tenure)
3.     Appointment as Associate Professor (without tenure)
4.     Reappointment as Associate Professor (without tenure)
5.     Promotion  (without tenure)

2.4.L.      Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Professors

1.     Appointment as Professor (conferring tenure)
2.     Promotion to Professor (with tenure)
3.     Promotion to Professor (without tenure)

2.5       Non-Tenure Line (Research) [NTLR]: Criteria for Appointments, Reappointments and Promotions

2.5A.       Definition

2.5.B.      Billet Authorization

2.5.C.      Funding

2.5.D.      Searches and Waivers of Search

2.5.E.      Ranks and Titles

2.5.F.       Duration of Appointments

1.     Term Appointments
2.     Extension of Term Appointments
3.     Continuing Term Appointments

2.5.G.      Progression through the Ranks

1.     Career Trajectory
2.     Timing of the Reappointment Review
3.     Timing of the Promotion Review

2.5.H.      Criteria

2.5.I.        Application of the Criteria

1.     Scholarship
2.     Other Considerations

2.5.J.       Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Assistant Professors

1.     Appointment as Assistant Professor (Research)
2.     Reappointment as Assistant Professor (Research)

2.5.K.      Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Associate Professors

1.     Appointment as Associate Professor (Research)
2.     Reappointment as Associate Professor (Research)
3.     Promotion to Associate Professor (Research)

2.5.L.      Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Professors

1.     Appointment as Professor (Research)
2.     Reappointment as Professor (Research)
3.     Promotion to Professor (Research)

2.6       Non-Tenure Line (Teaching) [NTLT]:  Criteria and Guidelines for Appointments, Reappointments and Promotions

2.6.A.      Definition

2.6.B.      Billet Authorization

2.6.C.      Searches and Waivers of Search

2.6.D.      Ranks and Titles

2.6.E.      Duration of Appointments

1.     Term Appointments
2.     Extension of Term Appointments
3.     Continuing Term Appointments

2.6.F.       Progression through the Ranks

1.     Career Trajectory
2.     Timing of the Reappointment Review
3.     Timing of the Promotion Review

2.6.G.      Criteria

2.6.H.      Application of the Criteria

1.     Teaching
2.     Other Considerations

2.6.I.        Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Associate Professors

1.     Appointment as Associate Professor (Teaching)
2.     Reappointment as Associate Professor (Teaching)

2.6.J.       Specific/Supplementary Criteria for Professors (Teaching)

1.     Appointment as Professor (Teaching)
2.     Reappointment as Professor (Teaching)
3.     Promotion to Professor (Teaching)

2.7       Evaluation Processes at the Department, School, and University Levels

2.7.A.    Overview

2.7.B.    Confidentiality

2.7.C.    Role of the Department Chair

2.7.D.    Timing of Evaluations

2.7.E.     Assessment by the Department Chair

2.7.F.     Departmental Evaluation Committee

2.7.G.    Options of the Department Chair

1.     When the Recommendation of the Departmental Evaluation Committee is Positive
2.     When the Recommendation of the Departmental Evaluation Committee is Negative
3.     When the Recommendation of Departmental Faculty is Positive
4.     When the Recommendation of Departmental Faculty is Negative

2.7.H.    Draft Long Form Review by the Senior Associate Dean

2.7.I.      Assistant Professors Review Committee (APRC)

1.     Purpose
2.     Composition
3.     Terms of Service
4.     Function
5.     Meetings and Quorum
6.     Voting and Recusal

2.7.J.      Options of the Senior Associate Dean on Receiving Recommendations by the Assistant Professors Review Committee

2.7.K.    Decision by the Dean on Assistant Professor Appointments and Reappointments

2.7.L.     Appointments and Promotions Committee

1.     Purpose
2.     Composition
3.     Terms of Service
4.     Function
5.     Meetings and Quorum
6.     Voting and Recusal

2.7.L.     Options of the Senior Associate Dean on Receiving Recommendations by the Appointments and Promotions Committee

2.7.M.        The Role of the Executive Committee in Associate Professor and Professor Appointments, Reappointments and Promotions

2.7.N.    Decision by the Dean on Associate Professor and Professor Appointments, Reappointments and Promotions

2.7.P.     Review by the Provost

2.7.Q.    Review by the Advisory Board

2.7.R.    Review by the President

2.7.S.     Announcement of Appointment, Reappointment and Promotion Approvals

2.8       Coterminous Appointments

2.9       Part-Time Appointments

2.10     Joint Appointments

2.11     Secondary Appointments

2.12     Courtesy Appointments

Chapter 3: Affiliated Institutions

Currently under revision.

Chapter 4: Academic Staff: Teaching & Research

Academic Staff: Teaching 4.1

Lecturer 4.2

Criteria for Appointment 4.3

Terms & Other Conditions of Appointment 4.4

Procedure for Appointing or Reappointing Lecturers 4.5

Senior Lecturer 4.6

Criteria for Appointment 4.7

Terms & Conditions of Appointment 4.8

Procedure for Appointing, Reappointing & Promoting 4.9

Lecturer without Salary 4.10

Academic Staff: Research 4.11

Research Associate & Senior Research Scientist or Scholar 4.12

Guide to Appointments: Documentation, Process & Checklists 4.13

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer 4.14a—c

Lecturer without Salary 4.15a—c

Recommendation for Appointment or Promotion of Academic Staff: Research 4.16

Chapter 5: Other Teaching Titles

5.1 General Information

5.2 Acting Faculty

5.2.A. Definition

5.2.B. Billet and other Resource Allocation

5.2.C. Ranks and Titles

5.2.D. Duration of Appointments

5.2.E Criteria

5.2.F Appointments and Reappointments

5.3 Instructors and Instructors (Affiliated)

5.4 Visiting Faculty

5.4.A Definition

5.4.B Ranks and Titles

5.4.C Duration of Appointments

5.4.D Criteria

5.4.E Visiting Faculty with Salary

5.4.E.i University Staff Policies
5.4.E.ii Appointments, Reappointments and FTE Changes

5.4.F Visiting Faculty without Salary

5.5 Visiting Instructors

5.5.A Definition

5.5.B Duration of Appointments

5.5.C Criteria

5.5.D Visiting Instructors with Salary

5.5.D.i University Staff Policies
5.5.D.ii Appointments, Reappointments and FTE Changes

5.5.E. Visiting Instructors without Salary

5.6 Consulting Faculty

5.6.A Definition

5.6.B. Ranks and Titles

5.6.C. Duration of Appointments

5.6.D Criteria

5.6.E Consulting Faculty with Salary

5.6.E.i University Staff Policies
5.6.E.ii Appointments, Reappointments and FTE Changes

5.6.F Consulting Faculty without Salary

Chapter 6: Adjunct Clinical Faculty (ACF)

Introduction to the Adjunct Clinical Faculty 6.1

General Principles for Appointment 6.2

Department Guidelines 6.3

Departmental ACF A&P Committee 6.4

School ACF A&P Committee 6.5

Involvement in Department & School Affairs 6.6

Initial Appointment 6.7

Academic Qualifications for Initial Appointment to the ACF 6.8

Initial Appointment to Clinical Instructor 6.9

Initial Appointment to Clinical Assistant Professor 6.10

Initial Appointment to Clinical Associate Professor 6.11

Initial Appointment to Clinical Professor 6.12

Process for Initial Appointment 6.13

Reappointment to the ACF 6.14

Reappointment at All Ranks 6.15

Reappointment Process 6.16

Promotion in the ACF 6.17

From Clinical Instructor to Clinical Associate Professor 6.18

From Clinical Assistant Professor to Clinical Associate Professor 6.19

From Clinical Associate Professor to Clinical Professor 6.20

Promotion Process 6.21

Duration of Appointments, Reappointments & Promotions 6.23

Years in Rank before Appointment or Promotion 6.25

Benefits & Privileges 6.26

Evaluation of Academic Activities 6.27

Leaves of Absence 6.28

Notice of Nonrenewal or Termination 6.29

Appointment to Clinical Professor (Honorary) 6.30

Emeritus or Emerita Status 6.31

Clinical Associates 6.32

Use of the Stanford Name 6.33

Appropriate Use of the Stanford Name on Stationery of ACF Member 6.34

Appropriate Use of the Stanford Name on Business Card of ACF Member 6.35

Appropriate Use of the Stanford Name on Publications of ACF Member 6.36

Guide to Appointments: Documentation, Process & Checklists 6.37

Initial Appointment to the ACF 6.38a—c

Reappointment to the ACF 6.39

Promotion in the ACF 6.40a—c

Chapter 7: Instructors

(under construction)

Chapter 8: Clinician Educators

Introduction  8.1

Clinician/Educator (Affiliated)  8.2

University Staff Policies  8.3

Process for Appointment, Reappointment and Promotion  8.4

New Appointments  8.5

Reappointments  8.6

Promotions  8.7

Offer Letters  8.8

Appointment Letters  8.9

Reappointment Letters  8.10

Promotion Letters  8.11

Termination and Nonrenewal  8.12

Criteria  8.13

Guidelines for Application of Criteria  8.14

Criteria by Rank and Action Within the Clinician/Educator Line  8.15

Salaries and Professional Fees  8.16

Concurrent Appointment to the Medical Staff of Stanford Hospital and Clinics and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital  8.17

Additional Benefits  8.18

Sample Offer Letters  8.19

Guide to Appointment, Reappointment and Promotion of Clinician/Educators  8.20

Guide to Appointment, Reappointment and Promotion of Clinician/Educators  8.20A

Guide to Appointment, Reappointment and Promotion of Clinician/Educators  8.20B

Chapter 9: Visiting Scholars

9.1 Definition

9.2 Duration of Appointments

9.3 Criteria

9.4 Privileges and Policies

9.5 Appointments and Reappointments

Chapter 10: Additional Policies

Appointment to the Medical Staff of Stanford Hospital & Clinics &/or

Lucile Packard Children's Hospital 10.1

Requirements for Malpractice Insurance Coverage for New

Faculty Physicians & Staff Physicians 10.2

Annual Off-Duty Time in Lieu of Vacation 10.3

Family & Medical Leave Policies 10.4

Maternity Leave 10.5

Child Care Leave 10.6

Delay of Tenure Decision 10.7

Reduced Teaching Load 10.8

Sabbatical Leave Policy 10.9

Research Grant Applications by Faculty Members with Expiring Appointments 10.10

Principal Investigator Waivers 10.11

Abuse Reporting Requirements 10.12

Faculty Incentive Fund 10.13

Defense, Indemnification & Representation 10.14

Statement on the Respectful Workplace 10.15

Faculty Application for Leave of Absence 10.16

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