Institutes of Medicine at the Stanford School of Medicine

institutes & patient care

To facilitate the translation of SoM research into improved clinical care, each of the School's Institutes is strategically aligned with service counterparts at Stanford Hospital & Clinics and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital. More »

  • Stanford Cancer Institute
    The Stanford Cancer Institute (SCI) focuses the world-class expertise of more than 240 researchers and clinicians on the most critical issues in cancer research and medicine today. These dedicated individuals work together in multidisciplinary teams to unravel cancer’s secrets and to transform the latest detection, diagnosis, treatment and prevention discoveries into the most advanced cancer therapies available. Combining these advances with comprehensive support services, the SCI is committed to giving patients every clinical and technological advantage in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

  • Stanford Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
    The Stanford Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine is at the forefront of a groundbreaking approach to biomedical research and patient care. Curative in its intent, this approach aims to harness the power of stem cells—master cells from which all specialized cells and tissues in our bodies are derived—to target and remedy the root causes of cancer, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative disorders and other diseases with genetic origins.

  • Stanford Cardiovascular Institute
    Our history of leadership in research, clinical, and educational programs in cardiovascular medicine provides a firm foundation for our institute's goal of being the world's top heart program. We will continue exploring such areas as the genetics of heart disease, the development of cardiac assist devices, new surgical techniques and methods of repairing heart damage.

  • Stanford Institute for Neuro-Innovation & Translational Neuroscience
    (formerly the Neuroscience Institute at Stanford)

    Deciphering the mysteries of the human brain requires a deeper understanding of the interplay between genes, cells, circuits, behavior. Our institute unites experts in these areas as they investigate how the brain develops, the biological causes of developmental disorders, the mechanisms that enable the brain to recover from injury and both normal and abnormal behavior.

  • Stanford Institute for Immunity, Transplantation and Infection
    Understanding the immune system's ability to defend the body against foreign invaders at the molecular and cellular level -- and ultimately how to control it -- is our goal. We will examine the immune system on three different levels: how to make it more effective at preventing micro-organisms from flourishing; how to quell it when it attacks the body in autoimmune conditions, such as multiple sclerosis; and how to keep it from rejecting transplanted organs.

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