How to Find and Use Profiles
Community Academic Profiles (CAP) now includes active Stanford physicians, School of Medicine faculty, Principal Investigators, Postdoctoral Scholars and MD Students. Most profiles are created automatically, based on the person's employment, appointments, enrollment or affiliations. The following are the contextual home pages for profiles:
- - School of Medicine Researchers
- - Stanford Physicians
- - Cancer Pysicians
- - Cancer Researchers
- - Menlo Clinic Physicians
Finding a specific profile
Browse: To any of the above home pages, then look for the link or button for "Profiles by Name" or "Profiles by Department."
Search: Search boxes are present on all the home pages, either on the left or in the center of the page. Search for a specific name, or for a topic, such as "cancer." Results return exact name matches at the top of the page, followed by any profile that contains text that exactly matches your search terms.
Can't find a profile?
CAP automatically generates a basic profile for any person with a faculty appointment in the School of Medicine (including secondary, joint, courtesy, and active emeritus appointments), researchers with PI status, and postdoctoral scholars. Faculty information is provided by PeopleSoft so if there are delays or errors in the appointment process it is possible a profile will not be created. If you are a faculty member or a PI and your profile does not appear or there are errors in your appointments, please consult with your group's Director of Finance and Administration (DFA). Postdocs can email .
Stanford physicians are approved into CAP by the Medical Staff Office (MSO) via a single nightly feed. Email if you believe you are a qualifying physician and don't yet have a profile.
MD student profiles are not made public unless the student explicitly sets the profile to public view.
Report or follow up on access problems with the problem report form.
Linking to profiles
Each profile can be reached using a standardized pattern, known as the "Express URL":
You can link to any CAP page you can browse to. Simply copy the entire URL from your browser address bar, and use it as the link.
Most profile pages can also be made to "integrate" with any Stanford Medicine site by a simple change of the URL. Here is Dean Pizzo's profile in the default CAP view:
And here is the same profile, viewed within the Pediatrics site context:
To learn more about integrating CAP profiles and pages with a Stanford Medicine site, please read Integration of Dynamic Content into Static Sites.
CAP Internal (Stanford community members only)
CAP now includes an internal view with added features. Anyone with a SUNet ID can view CAP Internal, but you must own or administer a profile to be able to edit it. To log in, click the "Login" link in the left column of any CAP profile or page. CAP Internal has several enhanced features:
- Social networking
- Status updates with control of where they will be viewed
- Ability to browse a larger set of profiles than is available in the public view
- Networking for research opportunities and mentoring relationships
- Automated display of recent publications
Updating a profile (Stanford community members only)
You will need a SUNet ID to login to the system. If you, or a person you wish to delegate editing rights to, do not have a SUNet ID, please see the SUNet ID information page. Stanford Hospital employees are pre-approved for a basic sponsored SUNet ID. See IRT's Sponsored ID page for more info. If you do have a SUNet ID and can't login please submit a problem report and tell us what login you are using.
To edit a profile, click the "Stanford-only Login" link on any page. Then click the "Edit my profile" link in the "My Profile Stanford" panel on the uppler left column, or click the "Edit Profiles" tab. If a maintainer for multiple profiles, choose a profile to edit from the provided list by clicking it's link. If a maintainer of only one profile, you will go immediately to the Edit Profile page for that profile.
After login, click the "Help" button, top right, for additional help with specific profile items.
Integrating CAP into a Stanford Medicine Website
CAP profile lists and individual profiles can be integrated into the public web site so that the profiles of individual faculty members can be displayed on the web site of any department, institute or program.
With a simple twist of the URL, Web Authors can make profiles and faculty lists appear to be continuous with the static site. For example, note how Dean Pizzo's Profile is integrated within the Beckman Center site:
- Integrated:
- Not integrated:
Note also, how the Biochemistry Department can list their faculty within the context of their own site:
- Integrated:
- Not integrated:
Report a problem / Provide Feedback
If you experience any technical difficulties, have questions about the online profiles, or would like to provide feedback, please use the Problem Report Form.