Step 1: Determine the space needed

The Taube Hillel House & the Koret Pavilion at
the Ziff Center for Jewish Campus Life

Room Descriptions


Below are descriptions of each reservable space.
If you have additional questions, please contact Pat Waters at [email protected].


For Stanford student groups registered as VSOs: Facilities at the Ziff Center can be reserved by Stanford University Voluntary Student Organizations (VSOs) with room rental fees waived for the school year. There is a $50 non-refundable quarterly student usage fee required for each organization that covers utilities and maintenance of the buildings. Student Groups must be registered with the Office of Student Activities as Voluntary Student Organizations in order to reserve a room at no fee. Please CLICK HERE to see the room reservation agreement. This document must be signed to confirm your reservation. (If you are reserving space for personal or private events, such as a baby naming, graduation party or wedding etc., regular fees apply.)

For non-students (and for students’ personal or private events): Reservation fees apply. See below for basic room fee. Please CLICK HERE for additional information about room reservation policies and fees. This document must be signed to confirm your reservation.

**Please note that the entire Ziff Center is closed (except for religious purposes) on Fridays after sundown and Saturday up until sundown.*


Student Lounge:

  • This can be reserved during limited times only: summer vacation, winter and spring breaks or for movie/DVD screenings.
  • Located on first floor of the Taube Hillel House.
  • Lounge-style furniture with fireplace façade (nonworking fireplace).
  • Accommodates up to 40 people, lecture style, with furniture moved aside (furniture must be put back to original position after use).
  • 430 sq. ft.
  • Fee for non-students: $175 (plus cleaning/damage/key deposit)


Conference Room:

  • Located on first floor of Taube Hillel House
  • Comfortable seating for 10 around conference table, can fit up to 15 with extra chairs around the sides. Conference table is not movable; it is 3.5’ x 8’.
  • 185 sq. ft.
  • Fee for non-students: $100 (plus cleaning/damage/key deposit)


  • Located on second floor of the Taube Hillel House.
  • Three adjustable tables; the tables and chairs can be moved/rearranged. Seats up to 10-12.
  • 150 sq. ft.
  • Fee for non-students: $50 (plus cleaning/damage/key deposit)


Kopa Cafe:

  • This can be reserved at limited times only for private events: during summer vacation, winter and spring breaks.
  • Located on first floor of the Koret Pavilion.
  • Café- and Lounge-style furniture. Permanent seating for 30; extra seating available if furniture is moved (must be returned to original layout if moved)
  • Foosball table and TV in room
  • Maximum capacity (standing room): 142
  • 1,025 sq. ft.
  • Fee for non-students: $400 (plus cleaning/damage/key deposit)

Freidenrich Dining Hall:

  • Located on first floor of the Koret Pavilion
  • Furnished with movable tables and 68 chairs, dining room style; extra chairs can be brought in (you are responsible for all set up)
  • Furniture can be moved, stored (must be returned to original layout if moved)
  • Has drop-down projection screen (no mounted projector; Hillel does not provide projector)
  • Has built-in sound system (Hillel does not provide cables or mics)
  • Maximum capacity (standing room): 158
  • 1,100 sq. ft.
  • Fee for non-students: $400 (plus cleaning/damage/key deposit)

Board Room:

  • Located on second floor of the Koret Pavilion
  • Flexible tables create rectangle-shape or U-shape, with 22 chairs around U, additional chairs can be put inside U, up to 30 seats total with tables in room.
  • Has drop-down projection screen (no mounted projector; Hillel does not provide projector or cables)
  • Features five beautiful stained glass windows
  • 560 sq. ft.
  • Fee for non-students: $175 (plus cleaning/damage/key deposit)

Kehillah Hall:

  • Located on second floor of the Koret Pavilion
  • Has 70 chairs in room set lecture style; additional chairs can be brought in; chairs can be stacked (must be returned to original layout if moved)
  • Has built-in ceiling projector, and drop-down projection screen (Hillel does not provide cables)
  • Has built-in sound system (Hillel does not provide cables or mics)
  • Features beautiful wood ark, which can be concealed, and four beautiful stained glass windows
  • Maximum capacity (standing room): 139
  • 950 sq. ft.
  • Fee for non-students: $500 (plus cleaning/damage/key deposit)
  • Can be joined with Rimon Lounge to create larger space (if both rooms are reserved)

Rimon Lounge:

  • Located on second floor of the Koret Pavilion
  • Has lounge-style furniture with permanent seats for 18, additional chairs can be brought in (must be returned to original layout if moved)
  • Has drop-down projection screen (no mounted projector; Hillel does not provide projector, cables or mics)
  • Features beautiful wood ark, which can be concealed, and five beautiful stained glass windows
  • Maximum capacity (standing room, requires furniture to be moved; furniture needs to be returned to original positions at end of event): 81
  • 570 sq. ft.
  • Fee for non-students: $250 (plus cleaning/damage/key deposit)
  • Can be joined with Kehillah Hall to create larger space (if both rooms are reserved)

Student Activity Center (SAC):

  • Located on second floor of the Koret Pavilion
  • Please note this room is used for storage by student groups and has a copy machine. Be aware people may periodically need to come in.
  • No A/V
  • Capacity: 6-10 chairs at the table; 15-20 chairs possible in the room
  • Fee for non-students: $50 (plus cleaning/damage/key deposit)

Koret Pavilion:

  • All Koret Pavilion rooms (other than three second-floor offices) can be reserved for exclusive use of the facility during summer vacation and winter/spring breaks.
  • If full facility is rented, the renter has use of the facility to the exclusion of other renters; however, staff who work in building will have access to their second floor offices.
  • Torah rental is $200 per day.

If you wish to discuss the rental of the entire Koret Pavilion building, please contact Pat Waters for rates. [email protected]