Our Address:
The Harold and Libby Ziff Center for Jewish Life
565 Mayfield Avenue
Stanford, CA 94305-8456
Parking Information: Parking is not permitted in our small driveway. There are coin operated meters and pay stations available at the Tresidder Lot near Tresidder Union and the Faculty Club, off Mayfield Avenue. You do not have to pay for parking on campus after 4PM weekdays or on weekends.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 20526
Stanford, CA 94309
Phone & Fax:
(650) 723-1602 (ph)
(650) 725-8530 (f)
Business Hours:
Business Office: Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm
The Hillel Office is closed on Shabbat (sundown Friday to sundown Saturday) and Jewish holy days.
Hillel programs are offered morning, afternoon, and evening, see our calendar for more details!
Students can request 24 hours access to the Ziff Center by contacting Pat Waters.
Follow us on FACEBOOK: Hillel at Stanford
Follow us on TWITTER: @hillelstanford