How do your donations help? Where does your support go?
Thanks to the generous support of donors like you, Hillel at Stanford is able to provide three-hundred programs a year, as well as innumerable opportunities for Jewish students to explore and celebrate their Jewish identity at Stanford University.
Contributions to our Annual Fund from parents, alumni, faculty, and community members represent 60% of our annual revenue. Hillel at Stanford is a non-profit, self supporting tax-exempt 501(c)3 charitable organization. While we maintain close relations with Stanford, we receive no financial support from the University. We rely on the generous support of our donors to provide programs that engage Jewish students by providing them with opportunities that are meaningful, relevant, and exciting.
Hillel at Stanford and the more than 2,000 Jewish students at Stanford benefit from your generosity.
Thank you for supporting Jewish life at Stanford!
Please contact Rabbi Serena Eisenberg, Executive Director, at 650-723-3002 or [email protected] with any questions.