Social Justice

Program Associate Heather Paul is your guide to tikkun olam (the repair of the world) through Hillel at Stanford. Participate in community service, activism, education programs and explore the connections between Judaism and social justice. Shoot us an email to find out what projects, opportunities, and trips are coming up, or to discuss any project ideas you might have.

Challah for Hunger: Bake and sell fresh Challah every week. Proceeds support local and international hunger-relief organizations.

Alternative Spring Break: Join Hillel at Stanford in an intensive week of service and study. Students travel domestically and internationally (we’ve traveled to Honduras, Russia, El Salvador, and this year to New Orleans) to do hands-on work with the community, and explore how this work is integral to what it means to be a Jew.

Camp Kesem: As volunteers, students provide a safe, supportive, and exciting camp experience for children who have a parent who has or had cancer.