
Hillel offers student-led services every Friday evening, both an Orthodox service and a Reform or Conservative-style service. There are two traditional minyans, The Stanford Minyan which meets on Saturday mornings at the Ziff Center, and Minyan Hamifratz, a monthly Shabbat evening happy hour, services and dinner for graduate students and young professionals.

Every Shabbat eve, the entire student community joins in a kosher, Shabbat meal. All are welcome to join for dinner and/or services, but we request you RSVP by Thursday at noon. RSVP here.

Time: Fridays, Services at 6 PM, followed by Dinner at 7 PM

Place: Koret Pavilion

More Holidays

Students and Hillel faculty plan and lead holiday celebrations. Through student leadership, Hillel ensures vibrant Shabbat and holiday celebrations that speak directly to the campus community.

Rosh Hashanah: September16- 18, 2012

Yom Kippur: September 25-26, 2012

Sukkot: September 30-October 7, 2012

Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah: October 7-9, 2012

Chanukah: December 8-16, 2012

Purim: February 23-24, 2013

Passover: March 25-April 2, 2013

Shavuot: May 14-16, 2013

Sukkot 2010


Channukah 2010