
The Wall Street Journal -
Keith Hennessey says Republicans ought to make Obama an offer that puts him at odds with his own party.
The Providence Journal -
Joshua D. Rauh and Robert Novy-Marx say most states have "been making financial plans based on wildly optimistic forecasts."
A shopping cart icon on a keyboard
Research shows that too much information about products can be a mixed blessing for buyers and sellers alike.
Project Syndicate -
Anat Admati discusses why the global financial system remains "distorted and dangerous."
Pitch Johnson, lecturer in Management at Stanford GSB
Why and how Silicon Valley thrives — from one of its founding fathers.
Bloomberg Businessweek -
Jeffrey Pfeffer says VCs and entrepreneurs too often "blindly chase the latest fads."
Illustration of a man holding a patent brochure
A Stanford scholar says going public often slows innovation.
revised speech
A group of scholars propose a plan that could put a brake on health care spending. -
Melanie Rudd, PhD candidate at Stanford GSB, explains how experiencing moments of awe alleviates feelings of "time famine." -
Steve Blank, Stanford consulting associate professor, explains his customer development methodology, which helps startups find a sustainable, repeatable business model faster.


Pitch Johnson, lecturer in Management at Stanford GSB
Why and how Silicon Valley thrives — from one of its founding fathers.
gifts laid out in rows
Prof. Francis Flynn discusses research on giving away a present you don't really want.
Students with Stanford GSB alumni at the Executive Challenge
C-suite leaders challenge MBA students to lead under pressure.
workers installing a solar panel
Sunrun's Ed Fenster discusses his business and the economics of solar power.
Laura Ching, co-founder of Tiny Prints
A founder of Tiny Prints discusses the future of correspondence.
Jeff Fluhr, CEO of Spreecast
The CEO of Spreecast discusses the "fundamental alignment around integrity, working hard, and delivering."
European Central Bank President Draghi
Can the eurozone fix itself in the absence of a catastrophe?
Steve Poizner, serial entrepreneur
Serial entrepreneur Steve Poizner discusses the importance of bold thinking.
children rescued from an embroidery factory
An MBA student urges consumers, NGOs, and companies to end slavery in supply chains of everyday products.
Media filmining political candidate
A Stanford GSB student's new company could make voting decisions more like online shopping.


A shopping cart icon on a keyboard
Research shows that too much information about products can be a mixed blessing for buyers and sellers alike.
Illustration of a man holding a patent brochure
A Stanford scholar says going public often slows innovation.
revised speech
A group of scholars propose a plan that could put a brake on health care spending.
Printed money on a clothes line
New research shows how subtle changes in language can lead to more ethical behavior.
a polling station
New research says polling data helps voters get the information they need to make decisions.
People walking in rain in front of American flag
Research shows that President Obama may get a bump in the polls from Hurricane Sandy.

2012 presidential election ads
Research says political candidates might be better off paying for web ads than investing too heavily in TV.
Man working at home with child on his shoulders.
New research says working from home boosts employee happiness and productivity.
math teacher Mia Shaw
A startup helps school-based instructors of math and English team up with digital teachers.
Airline customers waiting at the airport
Hayagreeva Rao explains why innovation is about more than just new technology.
