
math teacher Mia Shaw
A startup helps school-based instructors of math and English team up with digital teachers.
fizzy drink
The man who brought Perrier to America on how to keep the fizz in your business.
Professor at front of classroom talking with students
Five MBA students selected for academic achievement and demonstrated leadership.
Airline customers waiting at the airport
Hayagreeva Rao explains why innovation is about more than just new technology.
Call center employee
A new study finds good middle managers add to workplace productivity.
Brenden Millstein
How Brenden Millstein's Carbon Lighthouse helps businesses conserve more energy.
Students set up their donated laptop computers on the first day of school at Joplin High School in Joplin
How to make digital learning in public schools a reality.
Jessica Herrin
The founder of Stella & Dot discusses leadership, emotional intelligence, and an "angel in a cowboy hat."
Chip Conley
Chip Conley, founder of Joie de Vivre Hotels, discusses leadership, his bad first job, and the best business book he's ever read.
Forbes.com -
Writing for Forbes.com, a Stanford GSB alum discusses how to align corporate culture with personal values.


fizzy drink
The man who brought Perrier to America on how to keep the fizz in your business.
Professor at front of classroom talking with students
Five MBA students selected for academic achievement and demonstrated leadership.
Brenden Millstein
How Brenden Millstein's Carbon Lighthouse helps businesses conserve more energy.
Students set up their donated laptop computers on the first day of school at Joplin High School in Joplin
How to make digital learning in public schools a reality.
Jessica Herrin
The founder of Stella & Dot discusses leadership, emotional intelligence, and an "angel in a cowboy hat."
Chip Conley
Chip Conley, founder of Joie de Vivre Hotels, discusses leadership, his bad first job, and the best business book he's ever read.
Stanford launches first online Innovation and Entrepreneurship Certificate program.
Individuals staring intently at computers and handhelds
Kelly McGonigal argues we're becoming addicted to our devices. Here's how to unplug. 
Tralance Addy Named SEED Executive Director
China Shale Gas Line
Former U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry joins the head of the U.S-China Energy Forum to explain why shale gas “has the potential to change everything.”


math teacher Mia Shaw
A startup helps school-based instructors of math and English team up with digital teachers.
Airline customers waiting at the airport
Hayagreeva Rao explains why innovation is about more than just new technology.
Call center employee
A new study finds good middle managers add to workplace productivity.
Military Procession
New research shows we sometimes prefer hierarchical relationships over equal ones.
artwork for anger/threats story
Negotiators gain more concessions with cool threats than with heated words.
photo of man receiving bad news
Executives quickly report good news — but hold the bad for a flood of it. 
photo illustration of man looking guilty
Stanford GSB researchers find that how people respond to mistakes can be a "clue to who they are.”
David Larcker photo
Given the pervasiveness of social media, should the board of directors pay closer attention to the information exchanged on these sites?  Can this information be used to improve oversight and risk management?
David Larcker photo
David F. Larcker and Brian Tayan at the Corporate Governance Research Program examine succession plans, what a board can do if the market reacts positively to the death of its CEO, and whether the board should revise its succession plan if its CEO engages in risky hobbies or lifestyle habits.
Darrell Duffie
Finance professor Darrell Duffie of the Stanford Graduate School of Business proposes alternative capital requirements for banks to eliminate potential unintended consequences of financial reform.
