
Man working at home with child on his shoulders.
New research says working from home boosts employee happiness and productivity.
Project Syndicate -
Writing for Project Syndicate, the Stanford GSB's David Brady and Dean Emeritus Michael Spence examine why governments are struggling to take bold action on the global economy.
photo of lab tech making solar panel
A conversation with Stefan Reichelstein on the economics of solar power.
Stanford Report -
At Stanford, Turkey's President Gül praises innovation's link to freedom.
photo of euro coins
A Stanford research team proposes changes to credit default swaps to lower the risks of sovereign default.
Image of chinese father and child waiting for health care
Serial entrepreneur Kewen Jin discusses the rapid growth of China's health care industry and the idea of "innovation by subtraction."
YouTube -
Ferrari Chairman Luca Cordero di Montezemolo shared his passion for design and innovation at an April 24 talk at the Graduate School of Business.
Eric Baker photo
After leaving an internet company he cofounded here, Eric Baker took the business concept to other countries.
Darrell Duffie
Europe’s banks also need to shore up their capital, not just borrow liquidity, say three experts on international finance.
Jared Cohen photo
Online technology challenges citizens to build better societies, not just revolt against bad ones, Google Ideas leader Jared Cohen says.


photo of lab tech making solar panel
A conversation with Stefan Reichelstein on the economics of solar power.
Image of chinese father and child waiting for health care
Serial entrepreneur Kewen Jin discusses the rapid growth of China's health care industry and the idea of "innovation by subtraction."
Eric Baker photo
After leaving an internet company he cofounded here, Eric Baker took the business concept to other countries.
Darrell Duffie
Europe’s banks also need to shore up their capital, not just borrow liquidity, say three experts on international finance.
Jared Cohen photo
Online technology challenges citizens to build better societies, not just revolt against bad ones, Google Ideas leader Jared Cohen says.
Niklas Zennström
Silicon Valley isn't the only area in which technology companies can flourish, says Niklas Zennström, who founded the high-flying internet communication firm Skype  in Luxembourg. Populations and internet use are growing fastest outside of the United States.
Hermitage Capital Management went from $25 million to $4 billion by investing in undervalued Russian companies. Today its founder, Bill Browder, MBA '89, says anyone investing in Russia long term "is out of their mind."
Siemens AG needed a new set of corporate leaders and standards to recover from one of the worst scandals in corporate history, says Peter Löscher, the CEO brought in to reform the firm.
Man working at home with child on his shoulders.
New research says working from home boosts employee happiness and productivity.
photo of euro coins
A Stanford research team proposes changes to credit default swaps to lower the risks of sovereign default.
Policy makers need to understand how early-stage companies in their own area work, rather than try to create another Silicon Valley, says Stanford management professor George Foster. He is coauthor of a new report published by the World Economic Forum.
The high price of popcorn at most movie theater concession stands actually benefits moviegoers, say researchers, including the business school’s Wesley Hartmann. It helps hold down the price of the movie ticket.