Condoleezza Rice discusses political power in Russia, social stability in China, the “essence of democracy,” and “the most surprising place in the world.”
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair discusses the importance of partnerships in working with African nations.
Ask consumers to study the price of an expensive foreign car. Then ask them whether a "foreign product," such as a meal in an Italian restaurant, seems expensive. According to research coauthored by Christian Wheeler of the Stanford Graduate School of Business the idea that foreign is expensive may transfer from the car to other goods.
The aviation industry has to navigate through government regulations, natural disasters, economic storms, and labor negotiations, challenges that Jeff Smisek, president and CEO of the world's largest carrier, United Continental Holdings, says he finds fascinating.
Believers in free market capitalism were appalled when the U.S. government spent $82 billion to bail out General Motors and Chrysler. But the money saved an important U.S. industry and averted a national economic catastrophe Steven Rattner, the man who led the rescue operation, told a Stanford Graduate School of Business audience.
The Ford Motor turnaround required tough decisions and labor cooperation but CEO Alan Mulally is optimistic about the future.
The United States will see a slow move toward electric car adoption in the next 5-to-10 years while China will see only a small market for cars but big opportunities to manufacture and export batteries. A Stanford MBA student class study doubts either nation will move quickly to adopt clean coal technology.
The electric car, a vehicle that was practically gone before it arrived, is anything but dead, Carlos Ghosn, the widely celebrated CEO of both Nissan and Renault, told a Stanford Graduate School of Business audience.