Environment Energy

Brenden Millstein
How Brenden Millstein's Carbon Lighthouse helps businesses conserve more energy.
Stanford Program on Regions of Innovation and Entrepreneurship -
Gathering at the Stanford GSB, scholars and industry leaders discuss the future of the green city.
Tainan, Taiwan, sunset
A key player in creating Taiwan's semiconductor industry explains the role of technology in improving energy efficiency.
China Shale Gas Line
Former U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry joins the head of the U.S-China Energy Forum to explain why shale gas “has the potential to change everything.”
YouTube -
Saudi Aramco CEO Khalid A. Al-Falih discusses the oil company, its position in the global energy industry and in Saudi Arabia, and the value of long-term investment.
Wall Street Journal -
Why Chinese investors are starting to do clean-energy deals in the U.S.
photo of lab tech making solar panel
A conversation with Stefan Reichelstein on the economics of solar power.
photo of solar panel installer
Jeffrey Ball, at the Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance, says it’s time for the world’s approach to renewables to “grow up.”
Tony Blair photo
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair discusses the importance of partnerships in working with African nations.
Foreign Affairs -
In Foreign Affairs, Jeffrey Ball of the Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance argues "it is time to push harder for renewable power, but to push in a smarter way."


Brenden Millstein
How Brenden Millstein's Carbon Lighthouse helps businesses conserve more energy.
Tainan, Taiwan, sunset
A key player in creating Taiwan's semiconductor industry explains the role of technology in improving energy efficiency.
China Shale Gas Line
Former U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry joins the head of the U.S-China Energy Forum to explain why shale gas “has the potential to change everything.”
photo of lab tech making solar panel
A conversation with Stefan Reichelstein on the economics of solar power.
photo of solar panel installer
Jeffrey Ball, at the Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance, says it’s time for the world’s approach to renewables to “grow up.”
Tony Blair photo
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair discusses the importance of partnerships in working with African nations.
Kenji Tateiwa photo
Tokyo Electric’s manager of nuclear power cites the value of cross-border sharing of crisis management knowledge. 
David Miliband and Condoleezza Rice co-teach a class on crisis management.
They had eyewitness accounts as a class of MBA students at the Stanford Graduate School of Business pondered topics like the Euro financial crisis and approaches to combating terrorism in a classroom. Their faculty members were former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and British Labour Party member David Miliband.
Costa Rica President Laura Chinchilla
Costa Rica now exports 4,000 products and is working to attract more technology companies President Laura Chinchilla told a Stanford Graduate School of Business audience as the nation broadens its economic base from the focus on eco-tourism.
Knight Management Center
The new home for the Stanford Graduate School of Business opened its doors April 29 with a dedication and open house that drew thousands.


Stanford experts have concluded that in the event of a nuclear detonation, people in large metropolitan areas are better off sheltering-in-place in basements for 12-24 hours than trying to evacuate immediately, unless a lengthy warning period is provided.
Consumer and environmental groups, angry over the spreading oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, are calling for a boycott of BP, the oil giant that owns the well gushing oil onto beaches and marshes. According to research by Phillip Leslie and Larry Chavis, boycotts do in fact work and they're something businesses should be concerned about.
The United States will see a slow move toward electric car adoption in the next 5-to-10 years while China will see only a small market for cars but big opportunities to manufacture and export batteries. A Stanford MBA student class study doubts either nation will move quickly to adopt clean coal technology.
The financial impact of regulating coal-fired power plants that produce carbon dioxide emissions under a cap-and-trade system will be much less than previously projected according to research by Professor Stefan Reichelstein and doctoral student Ozge Islegen.