
Cover Photo: "Painting with Numbers"
In a new book, a Stanford GSB alum explores how to successfully present numbers.
Chip Conley
Chip Conley, founder of Joie de Vivre Hotels, discusses leadership, his bad first job, and the best business book he's ever read. -
Writing for, a Stanford GSB alum discusses how to align corporate culture with personal values.
Stanford launches first online Innovation and Entrepreneurship Certificate program.
Wall Street Journal -
Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Edward Lazear says to reduce unemployment "all we need to do is grow the economy."
Center for Social Innovation blog -
On the Center for Social Innovation blog, Stanford GSB students reflect on summer internships and experiences in East Africa, Washington D.C., the Bay Area, and beyond. -
James Sweeney, director of Stanford's Precourt Energy Efficiency Center, discusses green cities at a Stanford GSB conference.
Brain scan, face in profile
Professor Baba Shiv discusses how you can coax risk-averse managers to innovate.
Forbes India -
The Stanford GSB's Jeffrey Pfeffer argues that being a socially responsible company should include focusing on employees' physical and psychological well-being.
Individuals staring intently at computers and handhelds
Kelly McGonigal argues we're becoming addicted to our devices. Here's how to unplug. 


photo of faculty and student
Award-winning economist Susan Athey, noted econometrician Guido Imbens, corporate finance expert Joshua Rauh, and others to join Stanford GSB faculty.
Jeremy Lin Driving to the Basket
Why mere potential can be more impressive than actual achievement.
Photo of 2012 GSB graduates applauding
John Morgridge shares his “Rules for the Long Road” during the Stanford GSB's annual diploma ceremony.
Garth Saloner graduation photo
The following is a transcript of the commencement address given by Garth Saloner.
John Morgridge photo
Stanford Graduate School of Business Diploma Ceremony
photo of lab tech making solar panel
A conversation with Stefan Reichelstein on the economics of solar power.
As an extraordinary academic year comes to an end, we look forward to the exciting opportunities ahead.
The idea of giving back suggests a person can contribute to the social good only after succeeding in the business world instead of at the same time.


Anat Admati photo
In a Reuters oped, Professor Anat Admati argues that bank dividend payouts to shareholders expose "the economy to unnecessary risks without valid justification."
David Larcker photo
David F. Larcker and Brian Tayan at the Corporate Governance Research Program examine succession plans, what a board can do if the market reacts positively to the death of its CEO, and whether the board should revise its succession plan if its CEO engages in risky hobbies or lifestyle habits.
Anat Admati photo
A letter by Anat R. Admati and Neil M. Barofsky published by the Financial Times, March 8, 2012
Stefan Nagel photo
After analyzing repurchase agreements by money-market funds and security lenders, these researchers believe that banks off-balance-sheet collateralization of commercial paper is more likely to have prompted the run on short-term debt financing in the recent financial crisis.
David Larcker photo
Research from Professor David Larcker and Researchers Brian Tayan and Usman Liaqat examine whether total compensation is commensurate with the value of services rendered.
Neil Malhotra photo
A new study drawing on data from Box Office Mojo and finds that for the 1,064 movies that opened between 2003 and 2010 in at least 1,000 theaters, inflating weekend revenue was hardly an unusual occurrence. 
Darrell Duffie
Finance professor Darrell Duffie of the Stanford Graduate School of Business proposes alternative capital requirements for banks to eliminate potential unintended consequences of financial reform.
Harikesh Nair
Supermarkets either advertise themselves as offering "everyday low pricing" or holding sales with special promotional pricing. New research coauthored by Stanford's Harikesh Nair says one model has lower fixed costs and the other produces higher revenues.
Baba Shiv
Baba Shiv finds that people who are lonely prefer products that the majority don't prefer — but only in private.
Jennifer Aaker headshot
Choices that make people happy are complex according to research coauthored by business school Professor Jennifer Aaker. Factors include how old the subject is, his or her view of time, and is she focused on the present or the future? 
