
Stanford Closer Look Series -
David F. Larcker, Allan l. McCall, and Brian Tayan explore the policy development process and its role in corporate governance.
Medical technology
A physician-turned-administrator at Kaiser Permanente discusses cost-effective innovations that improve care.
Hidehiko Yuzaki, governor of Hiroshima Prefecture
The governor of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan, discusses the value of persistence and humility in entrepreneurship.
Elizabeth Blankespoor, assistant professor of accounting, Stanford GSB
Research suggests Twitter helps market liquidity of little-known companies.
Decisve book cover
In their new book, Chip and Dan Heath lay out a path for making better decisions.
Osamuyimen Stewart
Combining high and low tech, IBM's famous R&D lab tackles the challenges of a rapidly urbanizing continent.
3-D image of DNA
A team of scholars studies the link between emotions and investment behavior.
nurse attending a patient using Gradian equipment
How a New York-based company is trying to make surgery in the developing world a lot easier.
Illustration of rising cost of healthcare
New Stanford research says those with big health problems may be getting less for their money than they could — and raising prices for all.
Big Ben with fireworks in the background
Research shows that helping others can make people feel like they have more time.


Medical technology
A physician-turned-administrator at Kaiser Permanente discusses cost-effective innovations that improve care.
Hidehiko Yuzaki, governor of Hiroshima Prefecture
The governor of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan, discusses the value of persistence and humility in entrepreneurship.
Decisve book cover
In their new book, Chip and Dan Heath lay out a path for making better decisions.
Osamuyimen Stewart
Combining high and low tech, IBM's famous R&D lab tackles the challenges of a rapidly urbanizing continent.
nurse attending a patient using Gradian equipment
How a New York-based company is trying to make surgery in the developing world a lot easier.
Students with Stanford GSB alumni at the Executive Challenge
C-suite leaders challenge MBA students to lead under pressure.
workers installing a solar panel
Sunrun's Ed Fenster discusses his business and the economics of solar power.
Laura Ching, co-founder of Tiny Prints
A founder of Tiny Prints discusses the future of correspondence.
Jeff Fluhr, CEO of Spreecast
The CEO of Spreecast discusses the "fundamental alignment around integrity, working hard, and delivering."
European Central Bank President Draghi
Can the eurozone fix itself in the absence of a catastrophe?


Elizabeth Blankespoor, assistant professor of accounting, Stanford GSB
Research suggests Twitter helps market liquidity of little-known companies.
3-D image of DNA
A team of scholars studies the link between emotions and investment behavior.
Illustration of rising cost of healthcare
New Stanford research says those with big health problems may be getting less for their money than they could — and raising prices for all.
Big Ben with fireworks in the background
Research shows that helping others can make people feel like they have more time.
sale sign in a store window
Research from Stanford's Stephan Seiler says time constraints keep supermarket shoppers from finding best prices.
grapes on the vine
Research from Stanford's Michael Hannan examines how consumers perceive the value of organic and biodynamic Alsatian wines.
Research on derivatives concludes they can add to a company’s leverage and market value.
A shopping cart icon on a keyboard
Research shows that too much information about products can be a mixed blessing for buyers and sellers alike.
Illustration of a man holding a patent brochure
A Stanford scholar says going public often slows innovation.
math teacher Mia Shaw
A startup helps school-based instructors of math and English team up with digital teachers.
