Jeffrey Yao, MD
Academic Appointments
- Associate Professor - Med Center Line, Orthopaedic Surgery
- Associate Professor - Med Center Line (By courtesy), Surgery
Key Documents
Contact Information
Clinical Offices
Hand & Upper Extremity Clinic 450 Broadway Street, MC 6342 Pavilion A, 2nd floor, Dept A26 Redwood City, CA 94063 Tel Work (650) 723-5256 Fax (650) 721-3420Practices at Stanford Hospital and Clinics and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital
- Academic Offices
Alternate Contact Jackie Guingona Adminstrative Assistant Email Tel Work 650-721-7618Not for medical emergencies or patient use
Professional Overview
Clinical Focus
- Hand, Wrist, Elbow and Shoulder Surgery
- Orthopaedic Surgery
Administrative Appointments
- Fellow, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (2009 - present)
- Member, American Society for Surgery of the Hand (2004 - present)
- Member, Arthroscopy Association of North America (2010 - present)
- Member, American Association for Hand Surgery (2008 - present)
- Member, International Wrist Investigators Workshop (2009 - present)
- Founding Member, Manus National Hand Surgery Society (2006 - present)
Honors and Awards
- AOA-JOA Exchange Traveling Fellow, American Orthopaedic Association (May 2010)
- Sumner L. Koch Award, American Society for Surgery of the Hand (September 2009)
- Distinguished Visiting Professorship, Albert Einstein College of Medicine NSUH-LIJ Health System, New Hyde Park, NY (June 2009)
- AFSH Basic Science Research Grant, American Foundation for Surgery of the Hand (2009-2010)
- Distinguished Visiting Professorship, Wilcox Memorial Medical Center, Kauai, HI (Aug 2008)
- Annual Research Competition, Philadelphia Hand Society (June, 2005)
Professional Education
Board Certification:: | American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, Added Qualification in Hand Surgery (2009) |
Fellowship: | Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, PA USA (2005) |
Board Certification: | Orthopaedic Surgery, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (2007) |
Residency: | Albert Einstein College of Medicine NY (2004) |
Internship: | Long Island Jewish Medical Center NY (2000) |
Medical Education: | Cornell University Medical College NY (1999) |
Graduate & Fellowship Program Affiliations
Community and International Work
Industry Relationships
Stanford is committed to ethical and transparent interactions with our industrial and other commercial partners. It is our policy to disclose payments (exclusive of travel support) from, and/or equity in, companies or other commercial entities to Stanford faculty of $5,000 or more in total value, as well as any equity in a privately held company, when the faculty member also has institutional responsibilities related to his or her interactions with the company. View Full Information
Scientific Focus
Current Research Interests
1. Minimally invasive and arthroscopic treatment alternatives for common hand and wrist disorders. I am currently exploring the safety and efficacy of an all-inside arthroscopic triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) repair technique, and the arthroscopic treatment of wrist, finger and thumb arthritis.
2. Biologic augmentation of tendon repair strategies utilizing stem cells. I am currently utilizing a unique model for biologically augmenting current mechanical techniques of tendon repair.
3. Cartilage engineering strategies utilizing stem cells. I am currently attempting to characterize the ideal environment in which to culture and differentiate mesenchymal stem cells along a cartilage lineage, using scaffolds and hyaluronic acid and TGF-beta in differing concentrations.
- Suture-button suspensionplasty for the treatment of thumb carpometacarpal joint arthritis. Hand Clin. 2012; (4): 579-85
- The effect of suture coated with mesenchymal stem cells and bioactive substrate on tendon repair strength in a rat model. J Hand Surg Am. 2012; (8): 1639-45
- All-arthroscopic repair of Palmer 1B triangular fibrocartilage complex tears using the FasT-Fix device. J Hand Surg Am. 2011; (5): 836-42
- All-arthroscopic repair of peripheral triangular fibrocartilage complex tears using FasT-Fix. Hand Clin. 2011; (3): 237-42
- Color-aided visualization of dorsal wrist ganglion stalks aids in complete arthroscopic excision. Arthroscopy. 2011; (3): 425-9
- Optimization of volar percutaneous screw fixation for scaphoid waist fractures using traction, positioning, imaging, and an angiocatheter guide. J Hand Surg Am. 2011; (5): 916-21