Stanford Electrical Engineering

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Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students usually declare their majors in their second year of study (and no later than the beginning of junior year) and then continue in a major subject for the duration of their undergraduate studies.

Students interested in pursuing a major in Electrical Engineering should carefully read the information on this page.

Declaring EE as your Major

1. Declare a major in EE on Axess.

2. Complete a copy of the Undergraduate Sign-Up Sheet. The "Specialty" is particularly important to assist in the choice of a faculty advisor. It can always be changed.

3. Arrange to meet with the Vice Chair by emailing: [email protected] to set up an appointment. Make sure to bring your Undergraduate Sign-up Sheet and your unofficial transcript to the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to go over the basics in getting a BS in EE, and to assign an EE faculty advisor.

4. After the meeting, bring your Undergraduate Sign-up Sheet to the Degree Progress Officer in Packard 177.

5. Meet with the Undergraduate Advising TA in Packard 110. The TA may assist you with filling out a program sheet. The program sheet details the classes you will take in order to fulfill the requirements for the major. Information on the requirements and petitions for program deviations, transfer and AP credit can be found in the School of Engineering Undergraduate Handbook.

6. After completing your program sheet, meet with your assigned faculty advisor and have him/her sign it. Return it to our Degree Progress Officer in Packard 177 by the end of the quarter following when the major was declared. Changes to the program can be made later by turning in a new program sheet with your faculty advisor's signature. However, no changes to the program can be made during your final quarter.

7. You will be subscribed to both the EE undergrad and the general EE student mailing lists. These lists are used for announcements about degree requirements, seminars, research and job opportunities, as well as other events on campus.

FAQs For EE Undergraduate Students

If you are unable to find the answer to your question here or need additional information, please contact the Undergraduate Advisor at [email protected].

Acceptable Classes

Q: Does EE100 count toward the required 68 engineering units?
A: No, EE100 does not count because it is not taken for a letter grade.

Q: If I enroll in independent study (EE190/191), can it count toward the 68 engineering units?
A: Only EE191 (which is taken for a letter grade) can count toward the 68 units. You can use up to 10 units of EE191 to count toward the engineering depth requirement.

Q: Can EE classes below the 100 level count toward the 68 units?
A: As long as the EE class is taken for a letter grade, it will count toward the 68 units.

Double Majors and Minors

Q: If I am majoring or minoring in another department, can I use math and science classes to count toward both departments’ requirements?
A: Classes used to satisfy the 45 unit math/science requirement can be used for multiple departments' requirements. If you are using a math or science class as part of your engineering depth (part of the 68 units), then it cannot be used to satisfy another department's requirements.

Program Sheets

Q: What happens if I decide to take different classes from what I listed on my program sheet?
A: There is no need to turn in a new program sheet every time you decide to take new classes, unless those new classes are not pre-approved and require a petition. You may also want to turn in a new program sheet if you have made a lot of changes and want to be sure that it still meets all the requirements. However, for everyone, by the end of the quarter before you graduate (usually winter quarter of senior year), you should turn in a new program sheet signed by your advisor listing which classes you ended up taking. When you turn in your final program sheet, make sure that you know what you will be taking in your final quarter, since it may be very difficult to make changes in the last quarter.

Q: How many of the signatures do I need to obtain myself?
A: Have your advisor sign your program sheet. Print out an un-official copy of your transcript. Take the program sheet and the un-official transcript to Terman Engr. Room 201. Bertha Love or Darlene Lazar will approve your AP credit and then send your program sheet back to the EE Department Office where it will be placed in your academic file.

Petitions and Substitutions

Q: Do petitions for transfer credit and course substitutions need to be taken care of before I declare?
A: No, they can be taken care of any time up until the quarter before you graduate. However, BE CAREFUL. If you wait too long, and your petition is not approved, you might not be able to graduate on time. Also, depending on how busy people are, the petition may not be approved in time. Once you plan to petition for transfer credit or a course substitution, submit the petition as soon as you can.

Q: Who is in charge of approving petitions?
A: Petitions pertaining to math/science electives or STS requirements are handled by the School of Engineering, and should be submitted to their student affairs office in Terman. Petitions pertaining to the engineering depth (fundamentals + core + specialty + electives) or required math/science classes (for example, EE178/Stat 116) are handled by the Vice Chair of the EE department, and should be submitted to EE Student Services. In the case of transfer credit, you will need to obtain approval from the Transfer Credit Office in Old Union before submitting your petition to Terman or Packard.

Q: How do I get approval for a course substitution for the engineering depth?
A: Fill out a new program sheet including the new class, which you wish to take. Then, attach a note explaining why you feel this course substitution is justified, and mentioning any relevant course information (i.e. class syllabus, note from the professor). Also attach a note from your advisor supporting the course substitution and have him sign your new program sheet. Then turn it in to EE Student Services. After the Vice Chair looks at it, you will hear whether it has been approved. DO NOT simply ask the Vice Chair whether he would approve a certain course without following these other steps. He only grants approval after seeing how the course fits in the student's overall program, and if the student's advisor is okay with the change.

Q: How do I get approval for a course substitution for math/science classes or the Technology in Society requirement?
A: You can obtain petitions from the Engineering Undergrad Handbook, which can be found online at Petitions should be submitted to Bertha Love in Terman.

Q: I'm an international student and I took the equivalent of the Math 40 series in high school. I do not have IB credits. Do I need to retake those classes at Stanford?
A: No, you should not retake those classes. You should meet with the Student Affairs office in the School of Engineering to discuss the possibility of getting a waiver for those math classes.


Q: When does the application process for REU begin?
A: The process generally starts around the beginning or middle of winter quarter. If you are interested in applying, please visit

Q: Can I participate in REU more than once?
A: You can participate in REU multiple times, but priority is given to students who have not participated before.

Q: How can I get involved in research during the year?
A: It is possible to do research during the year and get credit for it, by enrolling in either EE190 (pass/no credit) or EE191 (letter grade only). To find a research group you may want to work in, you can look at the faculty listing at This will give you an overview of the types of research that different professors are doing. Alternatively, you can talk to your advisor about your interests and see if they recommend any specific professors or groups. Once you get a list of professors, you can email them, asking to meet with them to talk about research opportunities, or visit them during their office hours. If the professor does not have any specific projects that you could help with at that time, another way to get involved is to ask about sitting in on research group meetings.


Q: How often should I meet with my advisor?
A: We recommend meeting with your advisor at least once a quarter, if for nothing else than to discuss what classes you plan to take and get feedback.

Q: How do I arrange to meet with my advisor?
A: This will vary from professor to professor. Some will have an administrative assistant whom you should email to set up an appointment. For some professors, you can directly email them. Another option is to visit your advisor during their office hours.


Q: Where can I learn more about the coterm program?

A: For the department's policy on coterm applications, please visit here.

Q: How early/late can I apply for the coterm program?
A: The earliest quarter you can begin is the first quarter in which you have completed 120 units toward your BS degree (including AP and transfer units). The latest you can begin the coterm MS program is the final quarter of your bachelor's degree (typically spring quarter of senior year). You must have at least one quarter where both degrees are active (so you see both open programs in Axess on the Student Center tab). You must apply in the quarter prior to your proposed start quarter (latest quarter to apply would be winter quarter if you want to graduate with your BS in June). Application deadlines are posted here.

Q: After submitting my application, how long will it take to find out whether I have been admitted?
A: Depending on how busy the admissions committee is, it can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to over a month for you to get the decision. Winter quarter, when general applications are being considered as well, can be an especially busy time. Because of this variability, if you wait until your last quarter of eligibility to turn in a coterm application, make sure you submit it early enough in the quarter.

Q: Can I count classes that I took before being admitted to the coterm toward my graduate degree?
A: You can count classes taken in the two quarters immediately prior to your first quarter as a coterm toward your graduate degree. For example, if your first quarter as a coterm student is winter quarter of senior year, you can count classes from spring of junior year and fall of senior year toward your graduate degree. However, these classes will then not be allowed to count toward your undergrad degree.

Q: Does my tuition rate change once I have been admitted to the coterm program?
A: As long as you still have undergrad status (i.e. you have not yet graduated), you will be assessed the undergrad tuition rate for 12 quarters. Once you apply to graduate with your undergrad degree, or once you have accepted graduate financial assistance (such as an RA or TA position), you will be assessed the graduate tuition rate, and cannot return to the undergrad rate.

Q: Does being a coterm student affect my housing?
A: You are still guaranteed 4 years of undergrad housing.

Research Opportunities for Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate Honors Program
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

International Opportunities for Undergraduate Students

Bing Overseas Studies Program(Stanford Programs)
Overseas Resource Center (Overseas Scholarships for U.S. Students)
One year program for undergraduates at L'Ecole Centrale Paris