Stanford Electrical Engineering

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Information Systems

Research in ISL focuses on the development and application of mathematical models, techniques, and algorithms for information processing, broadly construed. In addition to work on the core disciplines of information theory and coding, control and optimization, signal processing, and learning and inference, ISL research spans several application areas, including biomedical imaging, wireless communications and networks, multimedia communications, Internet, energy systems, transportation systems, and financial systems. Much of this research is interdisciplinary and involves faculty and students from other departments across the university.

  • Communications
  • Control and Optimization
  • Information Theory and Coding
  • Learning and Statistical Inference
  • Signal Processing


Özgür Aydin, Nick Bambos, Stephen Boyd, John Cioffi, Abbas El Gamal, John Gill, Bernd Girod, Andrea Goldsmith, Joseph Goodman, Robert Gray, Thomas Kailath, Sachin Katti, Sanjay Lall, Albert Macovski, Andrea Montanari, Brad Osgood, Arogyaswami Paulraj, John Pauly, Balaji Prabhakar, Fouad Tobagi, Ben Van Roy, Tsachy Weissman, Bernard Widrow