- October 2012 - M. Hellman and his students W. Diffie and R. Merkle are inaugural inductees into the National Cyber Security Hall of Fame
- October 2012 - Search for new EE faculty candidate begins Oct 1st.
- October 2012 - Andrea Goldsmith appointed first holder of the Stephen Harris Professorship in the School of Engineering
- October 2012 - H.-S. Philip Wong has been appointed the Willard R. and Inez Kerr Bell Professorship in the School of Engineering
- July 2012 - Abbas El Gamal Named Chair of Department of Electrical Engineering
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Mission Statement
The mission of the Department of Electrical Engineering is to offer an EE undergraduate program that augments the liberal education expected of all Stanford undergraduates and imparts a basic understanding of electrical engineering built on a foundation of physical science, mathematics, computing, and technology.
Graduates of the undergraduate program are expected to possess knowledge of the fundamentals of electrical engineering and of at least one specialty area. The graduates are expected to have the basic experimental, design, and communication skills to be prepared for continued study at the graduate level or for entry level positions that require a basic knowledge of electrical engineering, science, and technology.
Educational Objectives
Technical Knowledge
Provide a basic knowledge of electrical engineering principles along with the required supporting knowledge of mathematics, science, computing, and engineering fundamentals. The program must include depth in at least one specialty area, currently including Computer Hardware, Computer Software, Controls, Electronics, Fields and Waves, and Communication and Signal Processing.
Laboratory and Design Skills
Develop the basic skills needed to perform and design experimental projects. Develop the ability to formulate problems and projects and to plan a process for solution taking advantage of diverse technical knowledge and skills.
Communications Skills
Develop the ability to organize and present information and to write and speak effective English.
Preparation for Further Study
Provide sufficient breadth and depth for successful subsequent graduate study, post-graduate study, or lifelong learning programs.
Preparation for the Profession
Provide an appreciation for the broad spectrum of issues arising in professional practice, including teamwork, leadership, safety, ethics, service, economics, and professional organizations.