Stanford Electrical Engineering

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Current Stanford Students

Coterminal Program

Adding a Degree in EE (Graduate Authorization Petition)


Coterminal Program

The coterminal degree program allows Stanford undergraduate students to study for a master's degree while completing their bachelor's degree(s). All students wishing to enter the coterm program are highly encouraged to contact the EE Admissions Office (Packard 173) to discuss their circumstances.

All coterm applicants should read through the information available at the following link:
Stanford Bulletin: Coterminal Degrees


For eligibility conditions regarding the coterm, please consult the Registrar's website. Also, please note that the EE coterm application requirements are different from those listed under the general application requirements on the Registrar's website (e.g., we require three (3) letters of recommendation while the Registrar's website states that two (2) are required). In order for your application to be considered complete you must submit all of the EE coterm application materials listed below under the "How to Apply" section.

Applicants to the EE coterm are not required to be majoring in EE as an undergraduate. Students with a technical background in computer science, engineering, mathematics, or the hard sciences are welcome to apply.


Applications are accepted on a quarterly basis. Please refer to our Application Deadlines and Timeline page (scroll down to Current Stanford Student Application Deadlines) to view the quarterly deadlines for the current academic year.

You may transfer courses toward the graduate degree as early as two quarters prior to your coterm admit term (not including summer quarter). For example, if you apply for autumn quarter, you may transfer courses from the winter and spring quarters of the previous academic year. This may impact your decision on which quarter you wish to enroll in the coterm program.

Please allow three weeks after the application deadline for a decision on your application.

How to Apply

Applicants must submit the following materials to the EE Admissions Office (Packard 173). All materials are accepted in hard copy or by e-mail to [email protected]. Please note that these requirements override the University’s general requirements, e.g. we require three (3) letters of recommendation while the Registrar’s website states that two (2) are required.

1) University Forms

a) Application for Admission to Coterminal Master’s Program* (page 4)
b) Preliminary Program Proposal, Coterminal Degree Program (page 5)
c) Coterminal Course Approval Form* (pages 6-7)
Optional form, only required if transferring courses from undergraduate to graduate program

*Must be signed by the student services officer in your home department(s) who oversees degree progress. If your home department is EE, this should be signed by EE’s Degree Progress Officer (Packard 177). (“Undergraduate Major Department Representative/Administrator”)

Must be signed by EE’s Degree Progress Officer (Packard 177). (“Coterminal Graduate Department Administrator”)

2) Statement of Purpose: Succinctly tell us why you wish to study for the EE-MS degree. Please do not exceed one page, single-spaced. There is no specific form or format for this component.

3) Official GRE Scores: Please have ETS send your official scores to Stanford at school code 4704 by the application deadline.

4) Stanford Transcript (Unofficial)
Transfer students: please also include an unofficial copy of your transcript from your previous institution

5) Supplemental Information Form: you may type directly on this form.

6) Three (3) Letters of Recommendation: The form on page 3 of the University Forms is optional; a separate letter will suffice. Two letters from EE faculty are strongly preferred.

Letters may arrive separately from other application materials. They will be matched with your application.

Letters may be submitted directly from the recommenders by hard copy to Packard 173 or by e-mail to [email protected].

If letters are delivered by the student, they must be in a sealed envelope with the recommender’s signature on the flap.

If any recommenders do not use the form on page 3 of the University Forms, you will need to fill in the checkbox on the Supplemental Information Form indicating that you waive your right to view the recommendations.

The EE Admissions office will contact you via email if any items are missing.

Adding a Degree in EE (Graduate Authorization Petition)

This section is for:
Current Stanford graduate students in a department outside of EE who wish to add the MS in EE
Students who wish to transfer from their current graduate department to EE (MS program only)
Current EE graduate students who wish to add the Engineer’s degree in EE

All students wishing to add a graduate degree in EE are encouraged to contact the Admissions Office (Packard 173) to discuss their circumstances.


Please consult the Registrar's website for eligibility requirements for the Grad Auth petition. Students with a technical background in computer science, engineering, mathematics, or the hard sciences are welcome to apply. Please note that our department requires students to have completed a minimum of two (2) quarters (excluding summer) of full-time study before adding a degree in EE. For example, if you entered Stanford in autumn quarter, the earliest term for which you can apply is spring quarter of that academic year.


Applications are accepted on a quarterly basis. Please refer to our Application Deadlines and Timeline page (scroll down to Current Stanford Student Application Deadlines) to view the quarterly deadlines for the current academic year.

Please allow three weeks after the application deadline for a decision on your application.

How to Apply

I) Submit the Graduate Program Authorization Petition Form on Axess: follow instructions on Registrar’s website. The petition fee is $125 and will be added to your university bill.

II) Submit the following materials to the EE Admissions Office (Packard 173). All materials are accepted in hard copy or by e-mail to [email protected].

1) Statement of Purpose: succinctly tell us why you wish to study for the EE-MS degree. Please do not exceed one page, single-spaced. There is no specific form or format for this component.

2) Unofficial Transcripts:

Stanford transcript

Undergraduate transcript

3) Supplemental Information Form: you may type directly on this form.

4) Letters of Recommendation:

Letters may arrive separately from other application materials. They will be matched with your application.

Letters may be submitted directly from the recommenders by hard copy to Packard 173 or by e-mail to [email protected].

If letters are delivered by the student, they must be in a sealed envelope with the recommender’s signature on the flap.

Remember to fill in the checkbox on the Supplemental Information Form indicating that you waive your right to view the recommendations.

MS applicants: Three (3) letters are required. Two letters from EE faculty are strongly preferred.

ENG applicants: One (1) letter is required. This letter must be from an EE faculty member who agrees to serve as your Engineer’s degree thesis advisor.

For PhD students outside the School of Engineering: You are also required to submit the Enrollment Agreement with Multiple Programs form to determine the tuition amount assessed each quarter and to prevent duplicate tuition charges. Please have your home department sign this form and then submit it with your application.

The EE Admissions office will contact you via email if any items are missing.


EE students who discontinued their graduate program for any reason must apply to be reinstated in order to re-enroll. Reasons your program was discontinued may include failing to be enrolled by the study list deadline or taking an unapproved leave of absence. Students are encouraged to contact the Associate Director of Graduate Admissions (Packard 176) to discuss their situation in detail.


Applications from U.S. citizens/permanent residents are due three (3) weeks prior to the first day of the quarter of re-enrollment

Applications from international students are due five (5) weeks prior to the first day of the quarter of re-enrollment

Start dates for each quarter may be found on the Academic Calendar

How to Apply

Applicants must submit the following materials to the below address:

Stanford University
Department of Electrical Engineering
Attn: Associate Director of Graduate Admissions
350 Serra Mall, #176
Stanford, CA 94305-9505

1) Application for Reinstatement in Graduate Study

2) Statement of Purpose: explain why you wish to return to the program. You may use the form in the Application for Reinstatement in Graduate Study or submit a separate document.

3) Transcripts: any coursework you have taken since the time you left Stanford.

4) Application & Reinstatement Fee ($275): please submit a check payable to Stanford University. The reinstatement fee ($150) will be refunded if the application is denied; the application fee ($125) is non-refundable.

5) Letter of Support (PhD and Engineer’s degree applicants only): This letter from an EE faculty member must state the faculty’s willingness to supervise and provide financial support for your PhD/Engineer’s degree research. Students cannot be reinstated to the PhD or Engineer’s degree program before getting the approval and support from an EE faculty advisor.