- October 2012 - M. Hellman and his students W. Diffie and R. Merkle are inaugural inductees into the National Cyber Security Hall of Fame
- October 2012 - Search for new EE faculty candidate begins Oct 1st.
- October 2012 - Andrea Goldsmith appointed first holder of the Stephen Harris Professorship in the School of Engineering
- October 2012 - H.-S. Philip Wong has been appointed the Willard R. and Inez Kerr Bell Professorship in the School of Engineering
- July 2012 - Abbas El Gamal Named Chair of Department of Electrical Engineering
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We investigate the physics, materials, devices, and systems using light and electromagnetism generally, for applications including sensing, imaging, communications, energy, biology, medicine, security, and information processing. Our scientific work ranges from basic quantum mechanical processes in nanostructures to planetary science, incorporating technologies from nano and micro scale fabrication through radio and optical fiber communications to environmental probes.
Photonics/EM/Quantum- Photonics
We study novel optoelectronic materials, structures, devices, and their integration with electronic and optical technologies, for applications in information sensing, communications, and processing
Photonics/EM/Quantum – Nano
We study the physics and fabrication of nanostructures and quantum processes with feature sizes at subwavelength or nanoscopic scales, and the applications of such nanostructures in information, energy and bio technologies.
Photonics/EM/Quantum – Communication
We study optical communication systems and networks of all scales, including long-distance, access, data centers, and chip-level interconnects. We also study enabling technologies, including photonic or quantum devices, communication and coding methods, and digital or optical signal processing techniques.
Photonics/EM/Quantum – Imaging
We design systems to acquire, analyze, and process two and three-dimensional datasets. The research includes development of new imaging modalities, new spectral regimes, and new applications of imaging science to biology, medicine and security.
Photonics/EM/Quantum – Radio
Our focus is on research in all fields of electromagnetics, wave propagation, radio and radar systems, remote sensing, interferometry, and applications using these elements as basic building blocks. Application areas include geophysical and planetary science, and geological and environmental measurements.
Don Cox, Audrey Ellerbee, Shanhui Fan, Anthony Fraser-Smith, Joseph Goodman, James Harris, Stephen Harris, Bert Hesselink,Umran Inan, Joseph Kahn, Leonid Kazovsky, David Miller, Yoshio Nishi, Olav Solgaard, Jelena Vuckovic, Yoshihisa YamamotoHoward Zebker.