Stanford Electrical Engineering

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Visiting us


Department of Electrical Engineering
David Packard Building (Map)
350 Serra Mall
Mail Code: 9505
Stanford, CA 94305-9505


Packard 161
Monday-Friday 8am-12pm, 1pm-5pm
Phone: (650) 723-3931
Fax: (650) 723-1882

General maps and directions | View »

Parking tips

Parking is at a premium on the Stanford campus. If you plan to visit the campus on a weekday, your best bet is to either park in the metered or visitor pay lots (bring lots of quarters) or purchase a one-day parking pass. The metered lots are enforced 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. M-F and the "A," "C," or "Z" lots are enforced 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. M-F. You are free to park in these areas after enforcement hours (from 4 p.m. on) and on the weekend at no charge. Please note that visitors cannot park in student lots, which are enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The university's visitor parking services can help with maps and permits. View »

Airports and public transportation | View »

Campus eateries | View »

More information is available at Stanford's main visitor website