April 22, 2012, Sunday, 112

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From Stanford Electrical Engineering Department Graduate Handbook

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On behalf of the faculty and staff of the department of Electrical Engineering, I welcome you to Stanford University. We hope you will have a stimulating and enjoyable experience in our Department and at Stanford throughout your graduate studies.

You are a member of a highly able, highly motivated, and highly select group of students. You will find your graduate colleagues a stimulating group and interaction with them will be a valuable component of your professional growth.

You will be assigned to a faculty adviser before the start of your program.  Your adviser will be your primary source of counsel on your academic program. Information on the research interests of our various faculty, and on the spectrum of research activities available to our graduate students, is included in this handbook. 

The faculty and staff of Stanford's Department of Electrical Engineering look forward to interacting with you, both inside and outside the classroom.

Department Vice Chair