Stanford Electrical Engineering

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EE Courses

Students at Stanford register for classes via AXESS at Login to AXESS and go to “class search.” As a student in our department, you may take courses in EE and in other departments at Stanford (some restrictions apply to Law, Business and Medicine).

The following web pages will serve as useful references as you plan your course schedule:

Enrolling in Independent Study Courses

Instructions to enroll in Independent Study Courses: EE190/191, EE390/391, EE300/400, EE 801/802 (including graduation quarter), EE290A/B/C

1) Log onto Axess
2) Click on Student Center
3) In the Academics section click on Search
4) Enter the Course Subject
5) Select 'is exactly' from the drop-down list, and enter the catalog number
6) Leave the Course Career blank (i.e., do not select)
7) Uncheck Show Open Classes Only
8) Click Search. You may receive a warning message - click OK
9) Scroll down to view the results
10) Click on View All Sections (in the dark blue banner)
11) Locate the appropriate instructor and take note of the section number (in parentheses).
12) Click the Enroll link
13) Enter the class number (from step 11), and click the enroll button*

NOTE : Do NOT enroll in section 01, which does not have an instructor assigned and is a “non-enroll section”

14) Continue per the prompts/green buttons until you finish enrollment and receive an acknowledgment message