Stanford Electrical Engineering

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2012-2013 Electrical Engineering Ph.D. Qualifying Examination

Schedule for 2012-2013 Qualifying Examination

  • Monday, October 8, 2012: quals application form available
  • Friday, November 2, 2012: deadline for submitting quals application form.
  • Monday, December 17, 2012: deadline for submitting initial examiner preference form.
  • Tuesday, January 8, 2013: revisions to examiner preference form must be made by 8:00pm.
  • Friday, January 11, 2013: exam schedules (without names) are sent to all candidates.
  • Friday-Tuesday, January 11-15, 2013: examiner names are sent to candidates three days before exams.
  • Monday-Friday, January 14-18, 2013: qualifying examinations.
  • Wednesday, January 23, 2013: examination results announced.
  • Friday, February 15, 2013: deadline for appeals of quals results.

Examiners for 2012-2013 Qualifying Examination

The examiners for the 2012-2013 quals will be finalized in early November.
In most cases, faculty will question in the same subject area as last year.

Question Areas and Courses for 2012-2013 Qualifying Examination

The following list of courses is subject to minor modifications.

  • (5)Computer Architecture and Logic Design

    EE 108B. Digital Systems II
    EE 109. Digital Systems Design Lab
    EE 271. Introduction to VLSI Systems
    EE 282. Computer Systems Architecture

    (5)Computer Systems Software

    CS 106X. Programming Methodology and Abstractions (Accelerated)
    CS 161. Design and Analysis of Algorithms
    EE 284 or EE 284A. Introduction to Computer Networks
    CS 140. Operating Systems and Systems Programming
    CS 248. Introduction to Computer Graphics


    EE 141 or EE 141M. Engineering Electromagnetics
    EE 142. Electromagnetic Waves
    EE 144. Wireless Electromagnetic Design Laboratory
    EE 241. Waves I

    (6)Electronic Circuits

    EE 101A. Circuits I
    EE 101B. Circuits II
    EE 114 / 214A. Fundamentals of Analog Integrated Circuit Design
    EE 122. Analog Laboratory
    EE 133. Analog Communications Design Laboratory
    EE 271. Introduction to VLSI Systems

    (2)Electronic Devices

    EE 116. Semiconductor Device Physics
    EE 216. Principles and Models of Semiconductor Devices

    (3)Engineering Physics

    EE 41. Physics of Electrical Engineering
    EE 141 or EE 141M. Engineering Electromagnetics
    EE 228. Basic Physics for Solid State Electronics


    EE 102A. Signal Processing and Linear Systems I
    EE 102B. Signal Processing and Linear Systems II
    EE 178/278A. Probabilistic Systems Analysis
    EE 179. Introduction to Communications


    EE 101A. Circuits I
    ENGR 105. Feedback Control Design
    EE 261. The Fourier Transform and its Applications
    EE 263. Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems

Statistics for past years' quals.