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2012-2013 Electrical Engineering Ph.D. Qualifying Examination
Schedule for 2012-2013 Qualifying Examination
- Monday, October 8, 2012: quals application form available
- Friday, November 2, 2012: deadline for submitting quals application form.
- Monday, December 17, 2012: deadline for submitting initial examiner preference form.
- Tuesday, January 8, 2013: revisions to examiner preference form must be made by 8:00pm.
- Friday, January 11, 2013: exam schedules (without names) are sent to all candidates.
- Friday-Tuesday, January 11-15, 2013: examiner names are sent to candidates three days before exams.
- Monday-Friday, January 14-18, 2013: qualifying examinations.
- Wednesday, January 23, 2013: examination results announced.
- Friday, February 15, 2013: deadline for appeals of quals results.
Examiners for 2012-2013 Qualifying Examination
The examiners for the 2012-2013 quals will be finalized in early November.
In most cases, faculty will question in the same subject area as last year.
Question Areas and Courses for 2012-2013 Qualifying Examination
The following list of courses is subject to minor modifications.
(5)Computer Architecture and Logic Design
- EE 108B. Digital Systems II
- EE 109. Digital Systems Design Lab
- EE 271. Introduction to VLSI Systems
- EE 282. Computer Systems Architecture
(5)Computer Systems Software
- CS 106X. Programming Methodology and Abstractions (Accelerated)
- CS 161. Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- EE 284 or EE 284A. Introduction to Computer Networks
- CS 140. Operating Systems and Systems Programming
- CS 248. Introduction to Computer Graphics
- EE 141 or EE 141M. Engineering Electromagnetics
- EE 142. Electromagnetic Waves
- EE 144. Wireless Electromagnetic Design Laboratory
- EE 241. Waves I
(6)Electronic Circuits
- EE 101A. Circuits I
- EE 101B. Circuits II
- EE 114 / 214A. Fundamentals of Analog Integrated Circuit Design
- EE 122. Analog Laboratory
- EE 133. Analog Communications Design Laboratory
- EE 271. Introduction to VLSI Systems
(2)Electronic Devices
- EE 116. Semiconductor Device Physics
- EE 216. Principles and Models of Semiconductor Devices
(3)Engineering Physics
- EE 41. Physics of Electrical Engineering
- EE 141 or EE 141M. Engineering Electromagnetics
- EE 228. Basic Physics for Solid State Electronics
- EE 102A. Signal Processing and Linear Systems I
- EE 102B. Signal Processing and Linear Systems II
- EE 178/278A. Probabilistic Systems Analysis
- EE 179. Introduction to Communications
- EE 101A. Circuits I
- ENGR 105. Feedback Control Design
- EE 261. The Fourier Transform and its Applications
- EE 263. Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems
Statistics for past years' quals.