Department of Medicine

Stanford Clinical Investigator Pathway (SCIP)

Dr. Boxer

Linda Boxer, M.D., Ph.D., SCIP Program Co-Director

Dr. Glenn

Jeffrey S. Glenn, M.D., Ph.D., SCIP Program Co-Director

The Stanford Clinical Investigator Pathway (SCIP) offers superb training, experience and opportunity for residents interested in developing a career as a physician-scientist. The SCIP can be ideal for residents who come to Stanford with a strong research background and experience (often with a prior Ph.D.) as it allows them to pursue their research interests more quickly than does the traditional pathway. The Stanford faculty research base, within the Department of Medicine and throughout the institution, provides a wide range of opportunities and mentors for SCIP residents.

Program participants are selected specifically for commitment to and potential for academic research careers. The Pathway allows residents who are committed to a career in academic medicine and/or basic science research to complete their internal medicine training a year earlier in exchange for an extra year of research in their subspecialty area. Thus, the Pathway generally consists of 2 years in the residency program followed by a 4-5 year subspecialty fellowship, which in turn consists of 1 year or more of intense subspecialty clinical training followed by 3 or more years of research fellowship training. Requirements may vary by division.

Highlights of the Stanford Clinical Investigator Pathway include:

Applicants interested in the SCIP should complete the ERAS residency application and include a statement expressing specific interest in the SCIP so that interviews with the appropriate subspecialty faculty can be arranged. During November of their first year of medical residency at Stanford, interested residents will apply for the SCIP in the subspecialty of their choice. Notification of acceptance will generally be made in January or February.


SCIP fellowships are available in the following divisions and programs:

A brief description of the SCIP in each of these areas follows; additional fellowship information may be obtained by contacting the SCIP fellowship director, the division chiefs/fellowship program directors, or (where listed) division/program web sites. Contact information is listed below at the end of each division/program description.

Additionally, detailed information on specific faculty research interests may be found at:

Bone Marrow Transplantation

BMT is a rapidly growing division that strongly emphasizes mentoring. Trainees will be guided closely by faculty members. The Division offers training programs in both Experimental Studies and Clinical Trials. The former includes:

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